Chapter 09

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Real Feelings

And then, his curse was lifted up. It was the happiest day of him but...what the prince didn't know is that she hides a secret no one should ever know.

That secret is...

Hidden just within the god and her.

He thought his curse being lifted up would bring happiness, it brought sadness instead.

It's because she's no longer needed. She was just there to support him in his darkest times.

And now that he's finally freed from his cage at last she said her goodbye to her beloved while she's stuck in her own with no one but herself.


"You still have that book?" (y/n) asked from behind. "I don't hate you that much to throw this treasure"

"You haven't change..." She muttered while looking around his room. "Yeah...I guess"

Yuki stared at her with those comforting eyes of his. He called himself stupid for hating an angel.

"...what are we?" (y/n) quietly asked. Yuki looked down for a second before looking up to her. He didn't know where this confidence came from, but he doesn't want to wait any longer to tell his real feelings. She's his light and he didn't want this light to fade. She's his last hope and reason why he's still alive in this cruel world.

"I don't want anything from this world but you, you're the one I've been wishing for. I don't think I can live without you because my future will be incomplete without you in it"

"Because in my eyes... you're already my wife"

She sighed in relief after hearing what Yuki has said. "That answers my question, I'm glad that- I didn't gave up on you...Yuki"

"Someone almost had know"

Yuki almost dropped the book he's been holding but he tried his best for her not to notice how jealous he is. "By- by who? I mean I don't care but just- you know curious?" He nervously asked.

"Jealous much? It's just Kureno..." She really felt bad for him but they're just not meant to be. "...I hope he finds his princess someday"










"We're finally in 2nd year of highschool! I'll be able to hangout with Momiji again!!"

(y/n) and Tohru cheerfully jumped together like a child, smiling brightly.

She turned to look at Yuki and gave him her most genuine smile saying, "Welcome to my new chapter of my life, Yuki"

At last...Yuki was able to come in her new chapter once again without any hate but only love within the two of them.

No one will be able to break them...apart.

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