Chapter 07

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3rd's POV

Seconds went by and minutes but the two still stood there like a two statues staring at each other.




(y/n) was hesitant if she should tell him now or not.

What was she hesitant to tell for?


"...Kureno, I shouldn't feel this way about you. It just-"

"It just feels wrong...I can't explain how but It's like betraying him"

(y/n) clutched where her heart should be. Tears pooling her eyes like an ocean.

Kureno was shocked. He can't process what he should say, but there's a part of him that he's glad because at some point...she did have feelings for him too although he's too late to tell her what he's been hiding deep inside his heart because she realized how much she truly love Yuki not just a prince in her fairytale but as a man she wishes to live with forever.

"You don't have to try and love me again. I don't want to burden you with my didn't have to worry about me, I'm happy just thinking about how you loved me too and it's more than enough for me to treasure forever"

"Is it ok for me to say something for the last time?"

You nodded slowly, sniffling.

"(Y/N)...I love you!"





"I'm glad that I loved you Ku-chan! Just you know that I never regret those feeling I felt!"

"And one last thing Ku-chan.."

You calmed yourself first before saying it.

Looking at him, she smiled. Her most genuine smile she could ever have. She says...

"Thank you..."

I honestly don't have anything to say about this chapter but I think this my fave chapter so far🙃💔

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