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A few days later, it was the day of the field mission. Everybody informed you of what you were supposed to do. You were going to be with Nat and Steve to retrieve some files for Fury. You were flying to the enemy's base in the quinjet.

"Okay so everybody knows what they are doing?" Tony asks.

"Yes." Everyone responded.

Clint parked the quinjet a couple miles away from the base so that we would be spotted. You were also allowed to take h/n on the mission so you weren't that nervous. H/n was always there when you were bad, so now she's going to be there when you're good too. You got off the quinjet and got on h/n. Nat got on with you and Steve said he was just going to run. You didn't argue with him. As you were approaching the base you told h/n to stay away. If you call her then that's her signal to come. She just neighed. You, Nat, and Steve were headed to the back door of the base but you had a little trouble. You had to keep them occupied, so you called some of your friends from the dead.

"y/n, go with Nat to find the files. I'll stay here and fight." Steve said. You both nodded.

The rest of the team were fighting the enemy out front. Nat was in front of you with her gun and you were behind her. Bruce had sent Nat the building's schematics so we could find our way through.  As you were running through the building trying to find their Lab you had a little trouble on the way but you took care of it. You two finally reached the lab. It was guarded but you and Nat took down the guards and the scientists. Nat then began to look through their database while you guarded her.

"Nat, how much longer?" I asked.

"Only a little longer." she said.

"Hurry. I think someone's coming." you said so that everyone could hear you on comms.

"Done." Nat said.

As you two were walking out there was an 'army' of enemy soldiers.

"Nat you need to go NOW!" you yelled.

"I can't leave you by yourself." she said.

"Yes you can now GO." you said.

"Guys we need to go now." Clint said on comms.

Nat left and you were there fighting the soldiers. You kicked them, punched them, threw fire balls at them. You were doing good.

"Is everyone on the quinjet?" Scott asked.

"Wait where's y/n?" Peter asked.

"Nat, where's y/n?" asked Loki.

"She told me to go. I told her that I couldn't go and that she needed help but she told me to go so I did." she explained

"Brother where are you going?" Thor asked.

"I'm not going to sit here. I'm going to go get her." he said then left.

You were still fighting the soldiers but you were getting tired. You weren't going to give up. You continued to punch and kick but then two soldiers grabbed you by the arms. They started dragging you away but you didn't let them. You were kicking and moving around in their arms. You couldn't scream because you were so damn tired. Then, Loki came out of nowhere and started stabbing and fighting the soldiers. He took down all of them that were around you and said "We need to get out of here." You nodded.

You were covered in blood and bruises. You both didn't know that someone was behind you and the soldier shot you. You collapsed on the floor and  Loki stabbed the guy. You couldn't move so he picked you up and started running to the quinjet.

"Shit what happened Loki?" Steve asked.

"There was somebody behind us and I didn't realize and they shot her." he said.

You weren't fully unconscious but you felt like you were.

"y/n can you hear me?" Bruce asked. You squeezed his arm.

You felt like you were going in and out so you took the opportunity to ask an important question.

"Where's h/n? Where are they?" you asked, freaking out. You didn't want them to be hurt. You loved them too much.

"They are on the quinjet with us. Don't worry." Bruce said.

"Is she going to be alright Mr. Stark?" Peter asked.

"I don't know, kid." he said.

You were slowly falling asleep.

"I need you to stay awake y/n." Tony said, but you couldn't.

You were too tired, so you closed your eyes and soon enough, everything went dark.

The Villain and The God of Mischief. Loki x Reader.Where stories live. Discover now