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That was a week ago.

Ever since then they have been trying to get me to answer questions but I didn't answer.

"They haven't answered any of our questions all week." Steve says as they all gather in the conference room.

"You know, we've all been down there to ask her questions except for Loki." Nat says.

"Why the hell would we send Loki?" Clint says with a nasty attitude.

"Wait, no it makes sense." Scott says  as he continues to explain himself. "They both tried to take down New York, and they are/were both villains. Maybe Loki can try and sugar coat them or something to get them to try and answer questions."

"I agree with the little guy on this." Sam says.

"Stark, Loki has changed. He's gotten  better." Thor says defending his brother. Loki smiles a bit.

"Okay fine. We can send him down there, but if they both come up with some idea about taking over the world then I'm blaming it on all of you." Tony says.

Thor, Loki, and Stark all get up and walk to your cell. "Brother, this is your first interrogation, how do you feel?" Thor asks his brother.

"Oh I'm feeling great! I have to interrogate a mortal on my free time, how fun." Loki says sarcastically.

As they walk over you notice that they are bringing Loki to your cell. "If he is here to ask me questions about what happened I'm not answering." you say.

"He's not here to ask you questions. He is here to keep you company." Stark says.

Keep me company? A prisoner? Weird. He was let into my cell. Thor and Stark left so it was just Loki and I sitting there in silence.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Pietro asks.

"I don't know speedy but if it does, that would be very useful." Stark says as he walks into the room.

As soon as he sits down he gets a phone call from Fury. He puts Fury on the big screen so that the whole team can see him and so he can see the team. "So I heard you have Iris in a cell?" Fury asks. The team nods.

"If we had her first name we could learn some more information about her, but she won't answer any of our questions." Steve says.

"Oh I have her first name and her date of birth, and her birthplace, and etc." Fury says.

"Then send the file over. What are you waiting for?" Pietro asks.

"Can you have some patience? I'm sending it right now."  Fury says. "Oh also, before you guys say any comments I'm your director. Anyways, I need you to get y/n on the team."

"Wait, you mean make her an avenger?" Tony asks confused.

"Yes. I believe she will be very helpful on many of your future missions. You need to get her on your side, train her, and let her be a part of the team like Loki is. If you have any questions, call Hill." And with that he hangs up.

Everyone is shocked as to what was just said but they knew they could do it. If they could get Loki on their side they could get you on their side. While that was happening, you and Loki were sitting in your cell not talking. Loki eventually broke the silence by asking where you were from.

"I thought you weren't here to ask me questions. Also, where is h/n?" you said.

"Calm down mortal. I just want to get to know you, and h/n is safe. They are outside, probably eating the grass." Loki said annoyed.

"Fine." you said.

You were hesitant to tell him where you were from but you did it anyway. "I'm from (hometown)." you said confidently. You were always proud of where you were from. Yea it could be ugly sometimes but the scenery, culture, and people were always what made it better.

"Can you describe it for me? It sounds lovely." Loki says annoyed.

He didn't really want to hear where you grew up but he knew if this is what would get you talking then this is what he has to do. You were hesitant again and questioned why the hell does he want to know where you grew up? You stayed quiet for a minute and thought if you should trust him or not but you did. Something inside you felt like you could trust him but you had to be careful. You didn't want to give information out that they could use against you.  You slowly started to explain your hometown. You started with the culture to the scenery then lastly the people. Loki was just listening. After you finished your explanation he decided that it was enough for that day so he gave you a book and left. That's how it was everyday for a month and a half. Loki would come in, ask you a question, let you explain, then hand you a book so you wouldn't be bored.

All was well until one day, Loki came into your cell like usual, and asked you the question you hoped they would never ask you.

"Why did you do what you did in New York?" Loki asked.

The Villain and The God of Mischief. Loki x Reader.Where stories live. Discover now