There's Nothing To Do Right Now But Try

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⚠️Trigger Warning: outing and homophobic slurs. There will be a summary at the end for you⚠️

I woke up to several text messages and missed phone calls. I knew something was wrong but I didn't want to see what it was. I had a knot in my stomach that made me feel almost nauseous. I got dressed and out my phone in my pocket. I walked out into the kitchen where John was sitting at the counter leaning over his phone. He must've heard me because he turned around quickly.

"Did you see what happened?" He said before I could manage to say good morning.
"No and good morning."
"Oh yeah good morning." He said slightly embarrassed realizing how rude he was being. I'm sure whatever was going on was bad but apart of me couldn't have been bother to deal with it and the other was dying to know.
"So what are we going to do?"
"About what?"
"Paul for fuck sake! Just check your phone!" John said loudly before shrinking down and saying in a quiet tone "Sorry."
"It's fine, how about we get breakfast and then I'll check. I'll even pay."

We got into John's car and drove to a cafe. We sat down and ordered two coffees and toast. I took my phone out of my pocket and carefully examined it to a moment before putting it face down in the table as far away from my as possible. It felt weird treating my phone like it was a weapon of mass destruction.

"Y'know I think I'd rather ask you about it than check. Is it about me?"
"Is it about my sexuality?" I already knew the answer but I was hoping it might've been about something else. I knew where this was going but it wouldn't hurt to ask one more question.
"Jane outed me didn't she?" The knot in my stomach was getting even worse to the point where every shred of me wanted to run away.
"If you don't mind me asking why are you so worried about it?"
"I'm mostly worried about you, I thought you'd be a lot more freaked out."
"I am freaking out I just am not showing it."
We sat there for a second not saying a word. I had finally gathered up the courage to check my phone. Jane had posted photo after photo of John and I together. There was a few at a restaurant and another from last nights walk and one from the party and it just went on and on.

"How did she-?"
"I don't know. That's what I've been trying to figure out. I feel like she couldn't have taken them all by herself."
"Maybe she did or didn't but does it really matter? I think we need to figure out a plan soon."
"Why not now?"
"I don't think I can handle trying to fix this now and besides I have finals this week."
I looked back down at my phone. Each caption on the post accused me of cheating on her with John. Her exact words on one posting being "Paul whored himself out to this fag." I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to feel about all of this. I looked through some texts from friends sending me screenshots and asking me about it. I didn't have the energy to respond and I didn't know what I'd say if I did.

I thought over the list of all the people she could've possibly sent it to. Of course there was our friend group but I doubt all of them beloved this crap. I could easily explain to them the situation and they'd get it. I went over the list of people in my mind.
"Oh shit." I said under my breath.
"She has my step mom's number."

Summary: Jane outs paul and accuses him of cheating on her with John. She makes several posts and send it to everyone who knows Paul and Jane. John is freaked out by it because he's worried for Paul. It end on Paul remembering that Jane has his step mother's number.

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