21. see this as a warning

Start from the beginning

"He thinks I don't know english that well," she shrugged. "Since I'm french."

"Why would that be a reason? And why does he think that?"

"No idea, I just don't think he likes me that much. He's spoken to my parents, and you know how they are with their English."

"But it's ridiculous to assume you don't know English that well because of them, you've lived here since you were nine!" Inez said.

"I know, that's just my assumption," she shrugged. "Every time he speaks to me he articulates his words like I'm eight years old. He draaaags them out."

"To be fair, Betty, he kind of speaks like that." Claudia said.

"Like what?"

"Like he's better and smarter than everyone," she said as she pulled a sweater over her head.

"True," Betty and Inez chorused.

"Or," Inez said thoughtfully. "He wanted Claudia as a prefect because she's a Maple."

"That could be it," Claudia said with a slow nod of her head.

"But I'm an Arnaud and you're a Harper," Betty said. "We're all hella prestigious... that sounded so horrible!"

Claudia and Inez chuckled. "Or he wants you with someone," Inez said factually.

"Wants me with someone?" Claudia repeated in a confused tone.

"Yeah, I heard he had a bet with McGonagall that this year's Head Boy and Girl we're going to get together this year, and that's why he gave them their postions in the first place. To get them together! And it worked too, apparently."

"They're together?" Claudia said in a shocked tone.

"Rumour has it they are," Inez said with a smirk.

"God, I wish I had a friend who's a prefect to gossip with," Claudia said airily.

"You've got Lily," Betty pointed out and Claudia nodded.

"Yeah, right," she said, leaving out the fact that she and Lily also weren't talking because of her brothers.

When Lily came up and asked her about it Claudia said that she couldn't be around her, and that she couldn't tell her why. Lily, being as understanding as she was, understood and accepted it. They both missed each other, but Claudia knew that it was for the best.

"And Remus," Betty continued with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Claudia said, referring to the wiggle of Betty's eyebrows.

"Nothing, just figured you two were friends now."

"Oh," she said. "Well, he is a very nice boy but I don't think we are to be honest."

"Then what are you?" Inez asked.

"Acquaintances," Claudia stated with a nod. "Well, I think that Slytherin girl is waiting so I better get going."

And at that, Pandora suddenly bursted into room with a very red face.

"Hi," they all said simultaneously.

"What's happened to you?" Betty asked, referring to Pandora's big smile and red cheeks.

"I've got a boyfriend," she smiled.

"You what now?!" Betty and Inez chorused.

"I'm together with Xenophilius. I have been for a while, figured I'd tell you now since it's been lasting for a while."

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