16. Ranboo

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Tw!This contains spoilers of Tubbo's stream and Ranboo's stream so see those latest streams first, because I dont want to ruin it for you then come back to this part of the story! X

Ranboo came to England to stay at your house for 4 months and his height does quite scare you but you know his a calm guy and abit sarcastic well alot of sarcasm.

You went to your bedroom door and opened to get a drink and you saw Tubbo sprinting towards the bathroom.

'Probably going to take a shower.' You thought to yourself. You went out of your bedroom and headed towards the stairs and went down them as you heard a muffled 'fuck.' Coming from Tubbo probably forgetting his clothes he does sometimes forget them.

You tried not to laugh knowing that'd he would hear you but you couldn't help yourself and burst out into laughter.

"Oi! Stop laughing at me Y/n!" You heard Tubbo shout at you still abit muffled but you were still able to hear which made you wheeze. "Now you can help me Y/n!" Tubbo shouted once more, "Can you get my clothes please, dearest of one of my siblings!"

"Ugh, fine. Where are they, then!" You asked abit annoyed since you didnt really liked to be bossed around but eh.

"They should be on my bed!" He shouted back.

"K!" You responded. You went back up stairs with f/c monster, to retrieve Tubbos clothes to him. "Here, and I sometimes believe you're more forgetful than c!Ranboo, at times!"

"Oi!" Tubbo said, but laughed abit then the two of you bursted out in laughter afterwards knowing he cant deny that.

"Also hurry up in the shower, Ranboos going to be here anytime now!" You said out of breath.

"Yeah, I know, I know." He replied.

"Well I'm going to be in my room if you need me," Y/n said.

"Okay! Also get rid of those monster cans in your room aswell." Tubbo said quite strictly.

"Okay 'dad'." You said sarcastically. And afterwards you went to your room to leave Tubbo be.

You opened the door to the bedroom and headed into it, then close the door behind you, you headed towards your PC and turned it on ready to start a stream.

~time skip?~

You heard Tubbo come out of the shower, as you, you had your clothes ready and a towel that you got from the towel closet.

Unlike Tubbo you're not as forgetful but still forgetful like when you've created to many alt accounts you've forgotten your passwords or missed places your phone or something that you value ect.

Before you went out of your bedroom you put your monster in your mini fridge to keep it cool -and you kind of forgotten it was there you could've stored all of your monsters or some snacks.

You headed towards the bathroom and turned the shower back on since Tubbo turned it off (or you left it off since you're more of a bath person not a shower person.)

~time skip again TvT~

After you got dressed you went downstairs once more to grab a snack, since you normally like to skip breakfast and it's a rare occasion to see you eating breakfast. You went back up stairs to blow dry your precious golden locks/j.

~ insert the old television break ~

To blow dry your brunette hair (or if you dont have brunette hair colour unnatural or brunetteish hair.)

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