8. Captain Puffy

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You already met puffy over discord since tommy said to everybody that was online to join VC 2.

But since you were taking a break from your pc along with tubbo since he was the only person that mainly streams in the house hold and sometimes Lani but Tegan never liked streaming that much but acted like a motherly figure even though Tegan is your older sister, and when you forgot to get your dinner or don't recall when dinner time is she always brings you food and snacks during streams or when your busy with something same with drinks because she cares so much for her family's health.

~After you went down stairs to grab your break fast.~

You went up stairs to your computer along with your breakfast and a cherry coke because you decided to have a break from monsters for a change.

As you opened your door you decided to start an morning stream since it's half term break and you didn't needed to do online school.

You walked over to your pc placing down your breakfast and coke.

You allowed your self to flop down onto you're gaming chair, you leaned forward to turn on your pc and went onto minecraft, as you waited for minecraft to load you started to eat your dinner and drink some of your cherry coke.

You saw that minecraft loaded whilst you ate your breakfast quite fast since your a fast eater, you decided to run down the stairs and put your plate near the sink and sprint back up the stairs to start your second stream for the day, you loaded into the dream smp seeing the person that likes to call herself the mother of all the dreamsmp members which her name was CaptainPuffy, you thought that it was sweet of her to be the mother of all of the dreamsmp members since they can get over than chaotic.

You started your stream, and, also setting it up and when you finished setting it up you started the actual stream.

Y/Ns pov:

I started my stream and I talked to the chat for a while but I decided, "why don't I talked to CaptainPuffy" and i told her in minecraft chat.

Mincraft chat:
Y/U: "Hi, CaptainPuffy!"

CaptainPuffy: "Hi,Y/U!"

Y/U: "Do you want to vc, CaptainPuffy?"

CaptainPuffy: "Sure, why not!"

Back in to Y/Ns pov:

I went onto the dreamsmp group chat on discord and joined vc 6, I waited for her to join the call and she did.

"Hey, Y/U!" Puffy called out my username in excitement.

"Hi, Puffy!" I exclaimed in joy.

"How's you're day been, Y/U?" She questioned, "I hope it was good!" She carried on her sentence.

"It's been good! You?" I exclaimed also questioning her.

"Great, my day's been great!" She exclaimed in joy.

"Awesome!" I responded with her choice of words.

"By the way, Y/U, where are you?" She questioned me.

"Oh! I'm in Snow Chester!"

"Great! I'm on my way, then!" Captain Puffy replied to my answer.

"Cool, cool." I responded.

She sure does sound like a mother type figure, well she did say on one of her streams she, would be the mother of every single Dream SMP member in the server, damn that must be a hand full!

"I'm here!" Puffy broke my train of thought.

"Great! I'm at Tubbo's house!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, I'm coming there now." She replied back.

"Kk." I said in a calming tone. She ran towards the the first ever building that tubbo built in Snow Chester, whilst I stand outside of it waiting for her to arrive at the place that I was at.

"I'm am here!" She exclaimed. As I giggled to her saying.

"So, what do you want to do?" She questioned.

"To be honest I don't know, I've been on this server almost, for a week, so I barely know my way around." I remarked.

"Mhmm, me either, well I've been on this server for a couple months now, so I know my way around." CaptainPuffy said in "I don't know what to do either" tone.

This is a spoiler so don't read anymore until you watched Tommy's March 1st stream, but if you have or don't care about spoilers, I can't stop you.

~Time skip to the March 1st, Tommy's last cannon life death.~

Y/Ns pov:

I was on call with Puffy, but we saw JackManifold running towards where we were.

He joined vc 6, the call that me and Puffy were in.

"Bad news!" He exclaimed.

"Mmm?" Me and Puffy hummed in sync.

"Tommyinnit's last cannon life, as been taking away by dream, with a potato!" He remarks. It was sad but funny at the same time because he got beaten to death by a potato, which is pathetic if I have to say, but this is cannon, stay in cannon try not to laugh nor wheeze.

"It's my fault, I've should've been there.." CaptainPuffy replied to the remark that JackManifold told us.

"Hey, Puffy, don't blame yoursel-" I was cut of by her.

"I couldn't protect one of my sons, how could I call my self a mother, for fuck sake!..." She got mad at her self for not protecting him. I started tearing up from that sentence she violently said to her self with a voice crack, that was showing, that she was going to break, at any minute.

"Puffy..." I tried to comfort her without sounding sad but it didn't go out well.

JackManifold sighs, "Y/U, you should check up on your brother, Tubbo is in denial, at the minute.."

"Ok.." I left the vc 6 and joined vc 5.


Damn that's a lot of words, well not as much for the other chapters, well this will get boring so, bye!!

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