Chapter 10: The End... For Now

Start from the beginning

"I'm so tired," Shinsou complains after putting his dick back into his boxers and flopping down on his bed. He heard the sound of Midoriya's text message being sent to someone and tilted his head.

"I told my mom I'm staying over tonight, I'm really tired too," he mumbles as he slides next to Shinsou on the bed. Midoriya had such a soft look on his face, you wouldn't tell that he had just sucked Shinsou's dick a couple minutes before.

He runs his thumb over Midoriya's rosy cheeks where his freckles were. "Ha, you must be really tired, especially just having you lips wrapped around my-"

"Hush," Midoriya interrupts as he rolls over taking the blanket with him so he looks like he's in some sort of cocoon. "Hey that's mine," Shinsou said as he watched the other man steal his blanket.

Midoriya giggled and took it off of him, "Here," Shinsou grabs the blanket and tossed it over the both of them and Shinsou leans over to turn off the lamp.

Shinsou and Midoriya laid there silently, the younger man tossed his broad arms around Midoriya's waist and pulled him into a hug, his face buried into the crook of his shoulder.

Shinsou never thought that he would ever have a relationship that would last this long and most of all he never expected it to be with another man but here he was. He didn't regret a thing.

He loved Midoriya with all of his heart, he enjoyed smothering each other with kisses everyday and going out to see movies. He loved waiting for Izuku after work to snuggle with him when they got home. This was the happiest Shinsou has been in a long time. He felt happier than any of those other times when he was sleeping with those different girls.

"I love you," Shinsou whispered, not surprising he didn't get a reply. Midoriya just laid there, he didn't say a thing, not one word.

Knowing Midoriya, he wouldn't expect him to say something like "I love you" back. He probably needed time before saying something like that but personally, Shinsou knew.

After a few minutes, Shinsou assumed that the older man had just fallen asleep in his arms and didn't hear what he said.

Right before he was going to wiggle his hands back out from underneath him, he felt something warm and wet on his arm. Shinsou didn't know what it was and swiftly pulled it away.

Right afterwards, he heard a sniffle and quickly put the two things together...

Midoriya was crying.

"Izuku?" Shinsou asked, tapping on his boyfriend's arm. "Are you alright?"

There was a loud sniffle, "Yeah, of course." Another sniffle came again.

"Are you sure, I know it's dark and we both can't see a thing but I know full well that you're crying right now," Shinsou mutters, flicking on the lamp.

"Wait no," Midoriya squeals and pulls Shinsou close and buries his face into his chest. This was obviously to hide his face so Shinsou couldn't see that he was crying.

The warm light of the lamp made the tips of Midoriya's hair golden as he sniffled into Shinsou's shirt. For the past 6 months of them dating, this was the second time that Shinsou seen Midoriya cry. Still wasn't used to it.

"Why are you crying," Shinsou asked, stroking Midoriya's thick unruly hair.

"It's nothing, really."

"This doesn't seem like nothing, why are you crying?"

"Do you really have to know why? Fuck off, what if I just felt like crying?"

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