☆FORTY☆ -House of pests

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Alfie had hopped onto the counter and stayed next to their housemother trying to protect himself from the mice, yeah his idea of 'protecting' wasn't really working out.

"Don't open it!"
Trudy shouted too Jerome whom planned on opening one of their cupboards.  "Close it, they can smell our fear" she warned him and so he didn't bother opening it afterwards.

There was another shriek from the dinning area but this time it was Mara who spotted it inside the fruit bowl followed by Mick "Trudy! there's more in here" he yelled out even though he didn't seem to be bothered by the animals "Someone get Victor! tell him there's a plague of mice; it's basically the apocalypse!" she cried out while she still held onto one of her cleaning objects

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After that commotion during breakfast, residents of Anubis were soon rushed off to school only taking a very few of their belongings from their rooms before lessons started. Luckily enough, Rhianna kept a secret emergency bag filled with her spare things incase she ever lost one thing then she'd always have a spare .. E.g : ipod charger, Phone charger, drawing books, sleeping mask plus ear plugs for whenever it's a noisy night or someone's busy snoring away, a book etc etc. They were now sitting in Mrs Andrew's classroom and this time she actually paid attention to whatever their strange French teacher wanted to say.

"Before we start- as you know we have a problem with mice in Anubis house. So we will be providing temporary accommodation for Anubis residents here in the main school building"
Mrs Andrews informed everyone in the class, just then Fabian raised his hand "Yes?" she questioned him in response. "Mrs Andrews, do you not think it's a little bit strange that all the mice are white? how did we get a sudden infestation of pet mice?" he asked a question followed by another one. "Well, I'll be asking pest control about that" she tells him.

Nina also had a question of her own, so she too raised her hand after he did. " And- can we go back after class? you know too collect our stuff" she asked their French teacher since she did have some valuable objects in her room that the adults went supposed to see, after all it's not like her and her friends have done all this research for nothing.

"No. I'm sorry , I want you all to remain here"
Mrs Andrews says but little did she know the teachers and Mr Sweet will most likely be outsmarted once again. "Trudy will bring your overnight things, and as a special treat- she's going to provide a takeaway meal for you all here this evening"  she continued explaining and this point of her sentence made some of the students rather excited about this news. "Yes that's right, treat it as a big adventure. Now; you all know the rules about food in dormitories, so we'll be searching your rooms for snack and confiscating any unauthorised items"

Well... the clue searching crew were defiantly in big trouble then..

***          ***

After lessons ended, the Anubis residents were busy sorting out their sleeping bags and where they'll be placing their belongings ; it was quit odd to be staying over night on school grounds in the student lounge/drama studio but then again wasn't as odd as their house being the only one infested with mice. Rhianna and Amber decided they were going to have each things beside one another on stage, at first she wanted to have some alone time although soon realised she's probably never gonna get that for the rest of her life there. "Still can't believe you have a pink sleeping bag- is there anything you own that isn't in that colour?" she asked when putting her pillow inside.

Dandelions - House of Anubis1 ✔︎ (edited)Where stories live. Discover now