Thankfully, Chocho decided that it would be best if they take a rest now. Since it seems impossible to finish exploring every nook and cranny of Konoha Academy.

When the bell rang for the second time signalling the end of class, Chocho decided to invite Sarada and introduce her to the girls.

"Do you want to join us, Sarada? I'm about to meet up with my friends. We're all in the same class, so they're going to be your classmates too! You should introduce yourself to them!" Chocho suggested happily.

To be honest, Sarada doesn't want anything else rather than staying in her room to sleep and recharge. Her and Sakura left the mansion at dawn and she didn't get a wink of sleep while on the road.

She's exhausted. But she just can't possibly say no to Chocho's invitation, not when she's looking at her with a hopeful expression on her amber eyes.

"Sure, are you perhaps going to the... mall?"

It felt so weird for her to say the word mall when they're in a boarding school where students aren't allowed to leave the school grounds unless there's some kind of emergency.

I still can't believe that this Academy is complete, with a mall, cafes and even gaming center!

"Yep!" Chocho replied, popping the 'p'. "I assure you that it'll be fun!"

They made their way to the dormitories to change into casual clothing. Remembering Kakashi's words earlier about how she can't buy things using cash, she left her wallet and pocketed her golden card instead.

Today at lunch, she learned just how much money the card contains and she almost fainted when she saw that it's more than enough to feed a village, or buy luxury items!

I swear, this academy is spoiling the students too much!

Once she was done changing, she faced the full body mirror which her room already has.

She was met with onyx eyes just like her fathers. Sarada felt like a different person without her glasses but not wearing them was something she decided herself, in hopes that it could somehow help in concealing who she really is.

She's not the only person in the academy, or even the country, who has black hair and eyes so the chances that the people here would suspect her as someone from the Uchiha clan should be small.


I've been wearing glasses since I was a kid. It kinda feels weird to not wear them. I feel like my eyes are naked.

Wearing clear contact lenses instead of her red rimmed glasses was something new to her. She never imagined how hard it would be to wear one, specially during the first time.

It's her first time using contacts because, honestly speaking... she was scared that it'll be painful. But it was okay.

She noticed how her black hair gotten a bit longer compared to the last time she trimmed it herself. It's gotten quite long that it almost reached her hips. Getting a haircut sounds good too. Since they'll be going to the mall maybe there's a salon there where she can get her hair trimmed.

When Sarada decided to leave her room, Chocho was already standing beside her door. Patiently waiting for her to finish preparing. She suddenly felt bad for taking so long.

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