Chapter 35: Court Sentencing

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. Just reading over the files." She said almost breathlessly.

"Not to worry. You still have 2 minutes." Ningguang said gracefully. Her voice was calm and collected, the complete opposite of Chongyun's mind.

"Oh, hi! I wasn't expecting to see you here, Lady Ningguang." Yanfei said, waving.

"Nice to see you too, Yanfei, Xingqiu."

The golden eyed boy nodded.

Maybe they had met before, or knew each other from outside of work, Chongyun didn't care. He was nervous. When was his mother going to come? Was she going to pull anything?

Xingqiu, seeing his boyfriend's discomfort, squeezed his hand once more.

More people showed up as the time drew near. Apparently Yanfei had gotten him a lawyer and told him everything there was to know about him.

Once the clock hit 8, Lady Ningguang hit the gavel on her desk twice, signifying the start of the court meeting.


"I solemnly affirm that the evidence to be given by me shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Chongyun read the words off the paper in front of him out loud, swearing to tell, well, the truth.

"It seems Mr. and Mrs. Yang are a bit late." The judge said, taking a look around the room.

Just then, a woman and man, presumably Chongyun's parents walked through the door he had come through with Xingqiu.

The boy froze upon hearing their entry.

"Ah, speak of Osial. So nice of you to join us. You may take a seat there." Her voice turned cold and sarcastic as she addressed them, pointing to the other desk a ways away from Chongyun's.

His mother looked well-dressed, wearing a black and blue pant suit, while his father wore something like Xingqiu, without the jacket on top.

Beidou made his parents recite the oath.

"Chongyun, may you tell us what happened?"

The boy nodded and made his way up to the podium.

"U-um. It first started off when my m-mother um... Hit me... For the first time. Sh-she called me an F slur a-and multiple d-different names. My friends took me to a concert, where I met my... M-my boyfriend. He took me on a date, a-and a photo was taken of us. M-my parents — my mother — got angry. They started to fight, my mom screamed at my father and then me. She started gaslighting me, forcing me to date girls, even when I told her I wasn't interested." Chongyun took a breath but kept going, more confidence pouring into him seeing his mother's hurt and angry face.

"My mother, threw a beer bottle at me, giving me a concussion. I'm scared of her, she knows that. Xingqiu made me see how wrong she was about loving me. He made me realize that you should be put in jail. You are no mother of mine."

He took another breath, stepping down from the podium and waking back to Xingqiu. His legs giving out as soon as he was in reach of his boyfriend.

"Now then. Chongyun's attorney, please be so kind and tell us what these people did." Ningguang's voice turned sweet again, glancing at his parents.

Yanfei stepped up to a podium, clearing her throat and shuffling the papers in front of her.

She read out loud the things Chongyun's parents had done to him, from the very beginning, to the bitter end, giving more details about his story, and asking for a restraining order on both of his parents and the maximum sentence possible.

She finished with a sigh about 2 minutes later, patting Chongyun's shoulder as she walked back to her place.

"Alright. Mr. and Mrs. Yang, you're attorney may come up."

This time, Chongyun's mother stepped up to the podium, the lawyer beside his father staying put.

"May I first say, I am terribly sorry for all the things I have done to my poor child. I have treated him horribly throughout his life." She sniffed and whipped a tear from her eye. "There is really nothing to say, except I'm sorry. I hope you may forgive me, my sweet boy."

Chongyun winced at how sincere she was being, but knew not to fall for it once again.

"Your lawyer, please."

Their lawyer stepped up, just like Yanfei had.

He sighed. "After reading this case, all I can feel is sympathy for this boy. He has been through so much, and I am proud of him for getting through this." He paused, reading over his files again. "Mrs. Yang has a bipolar mental disorder. We have gotten her tested." He showed some documents to Beidou, the woman taking them and passing them to Ningguang, who scanned over them, nodding in approval.

"I am terribly sorry for you, young man. But I am asking for a light sentence for these parents." The lawyer finished and stepped back.

Ningguang took some time, looking over papers and documents before speaking up.

"You, Mrs. Yang," she stared directly at his mom. "Do not deserve to be a mother. You do not deserve that title. As your son said, you are not his mother. You are sentenced to to 5 years in a mental hospital, 20 years in prison, and a restraining order once your sentence is served. For Mr. Yang, you do not deserve the title as a father. In your past, you have not only verbally, but physically abused your son. You did nothing stop the abuse from your wife. You are sentenced to 5 years in prison and a restraining order once your sentence is served. You both no longer have custody of Chongyun, he is his own person and can make the right choices now. Thank you very much." She hit the gavel twice again, ending the court meeting.


Y'all should be impressed bc I did research for once lmao.


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Bye for now!! Ily yall!! ❤️❤️

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