9. Maria St. Claire.

Start from the beginning

Louie jumped over the back of his sofa, landing between  - "She's not my 'Goldie'... Anyway, I've played her as many times as she's played me!"

Huey laughed. - "I've heard Uncle Scrooge say that at least a hundred times."

"It's true, though, the whole reason we even met, is that I conned her into thinking I was this rich Aristocrat."

"Aww, how romantic!" - Dewey sarcastically cooed.

Louie playfully shoved his brother. A smirk on his face. - "Oh, please, don't act like I know nothing about romance. Webby told me about how you got together with your current boyfriend."

Dewey went red, and turned to Webby, who was trying, and failing, to conceal her grin.

"Webby, I thought you said you would never tell anyone that?"

"You shouldn't have told me in the first place, we both know I'm not good at keeping secrets."

 Everyone else started grinning, remembering the story.

"What did you do?" - Louie jokingly asked. - "Tackle him off a stage during a play rehearsal because you thought he was trying to kill you to become the leading man in your play?"

"Not my finest moment." - The boy admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

As the family laughed, both Dewey and Louie, noticed how it was their older Brother who laughed the loudest, causing their teasing to turn on him.

"Since we're talking about romance," - Dewey smiled, staring at Huey. "When are you going to ask out Violet?"

His Brother, who was mid-sip, choked on his water. - "What?" - He spluttered.

"It's obvious you like her!" - Louie added, much to Huey's dismay. - "I saw you making googly eyes at her, during that gala that almost got robbed."

"I- I wasn't- that never happened!"

"Don't lie, Hubert, you are not good at it." - Dewey added.

"Yeah." - Louie laughed. - "Remember the time, we tried to steal the houseboat and Uncle Donald asked where I was, and you said 'Who's Dewey?'!"

Della watched her three sons laugh and talk like Brother's did, and it filled her heart. She took out her phone and quickly snapped a picture, sending it to her Brother, who, she'd know, would love it.

The family spent the next two hours together. Chatting and reminiscing, it was similar to the experience Louie had had with Webby, a couple of weeks back, a lot more hectic maybe, but just as fun.

Soon though, the McDucks had to leave, as the family left the large apartment, Scrooge managed to call out to his youngest great-nephew as he was halfway out the door.


"Even if you deny it. If you think Maria is anything like Goldie, keep her in your life." - The Scotsman suggested. - "She might steal from ya, but people like her, will always be there when you need her."

Louie smiled at the old duck. - "Thanks for the advice, Scrooge."

With a nod, the door shut, leaving Louie alone in his spacious apartment. Even though he was sceptical at first, the last few hours had actually had been pretty fun. Maybe he could get along with his family as long there was a decent amount of time before visits.

He picked up the two glasses that still sat on his coffee table and place them in his kitchen sink. He thought back on the words, Scrooge had just told him, and scoffed. - 'Me trust Ari? Never going to happen.' 

It was nearing Six in the evening, and the theif felt his stomach grumble, he opened one of the kitchen drawers, and pulled out the takeout menu, for the local chinise place. He leapt back onto his sofa and picked up his smartphone. When he switched it on, it turns out not only did Maria put her new number in, but she'd made a selfie she taken his screen saver.

His finger hovered over the cellphone symbol before switching to contacts, without giving himself time to doubt, he clicked on her name. The phone rung for just a few seconds, before she picked up.

"Hey." - She greeted, as she flicked through the channels on her hotel's room large TV.

"Hey." - He replied. - "Do you wanna come over and have dinner?"

"For what reason?"

"To discuss that business proposal."

She smiled. - "Are you cooking or ordering takout?"


"Phillip's kitchen?"

"Yep." - The red and gold menu already in his hands.

"I'll be over in twenty minutes."

Pocketing his phone, Louie wondered, what had he just gotten into?

Thanks for reading Ch.9 of 'Legacy' You should see the first two chapters of 'Spider-Duck' being posted over the next few days. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and also hope, you comment, vote, follow me and read Ch.10! - MM

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