Chapter 42

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"What do you want to do with that old shed in the back?" One of the farmers asks me. "You can take that away too. Everything, except for the lined area, can go. But the roots of those plants go pretty deep, so make sure you take out everything." I tell him and he goes to tell his team.

With my first two paychecks of my new job as assistant, I got to pay for a team of farmers to clear out the entire land with their tractors, from the watermelon plants. It's a pretty warm spring day, and the ground is not too dry to work on. "Oh and if you see any ripe watermelons, please put them somewhere safe. We can still eat them. I don't hink there will be any, but just in case." I shout as they go to the tractors to continue working.

I look at the fields and can't believe it's actually happening now. With a few more arrangements between me and Peter's sons, we finally were all agreeing on the plans and I could start working. It's a lot of work that needs to happen, and with my calculations, with the help of a contractor, I'm gonna be looking around a few 100 thousand dollars. So this is gonna take a long time.

But, now that the only thing I have to think about, outside my job is Loki, and sometimes Thor, I spend every spare time I have on the land. I decided to take a gap year from school to focus on this and my job entirely. Mom didn't think it was a very good idea, but I still did it. I can take one gap year, since that's the most my online school allows. In that time I can work from Monday to Friday and use the weekends to work on the land.

And I'm moving into Peter's old house soon, so I'm always there if something goes wrong. It's a lot for my mom to handle, but I'm still close to her, so I can be there in a second if anything goes wrong. And now she can bring the boys to me in the weekends if she needs a little rest.

It's going to be a big step, but it's worth it. Luke's first thought was that I was out of my mind, but he gets why I'm doing everything now. I do feel a little bit of space between us. Like he's not telling something. I don't know. It's probably nothing. He's really supportive of my plans. He doesn't always agree on them, but he's supportive. We try to talk every Sunday, which can be challenging. Either one of us sleeps in and then we have to call at night, which also doesn't always pull through.

He has quite a few friends already. And he's only been there for 2 and a half months. He says they're really nice. 3 boys, including Nate, and 2 girls. Melanie and Danielle. They seem pretty nice, even though I only spoke to them once.

"Alex!" I hear, and I get sucked from my thoughts. I look around and see someone walking up to me. "Oh hi Willow!" I say and she gives me a hug when she reaches me. "I see they've already started." "Yeah, it's finally gonna be like it actually started. Did you bring the paint?" She nods. She shows me the 4 cans in the big bag and I take her with me. "I want to paint all the outside walls, but no rush. We've got all the time we need." "Alright. Let's get started on the east wall. Since it looks out to the land. That way you can keep an eye on the tractors." "Good idea." I say and grab the long paint rollers and the paint tray from inside. "I also brought new normal paint brushes, for the edges." "Oh nice job."

We start painting and before we know it, it's time for the farmers to go home. I pay them for the day and they all head home. "I'll see you tomorrow." I shout after them. I sit down with Willow on the porch and I look at the setting sun. "I can get used to this view." I say and smile. I hold my cup of tea and feel the fresh air on my face. "Honestly, I think this is what you were meant to do. Starting this little business thing. It suits you." "You think so? Thank you." I smile at her.

"Yeah I do. It's gonna be so epic when everything is done. Peter's garden, the bare feet paths, the little herb gardens. So cute." "I appreciate that. The other day this idea popped in my head, for somewhere in the future, to maybe add little cottages to the property. For families in the holidays, you know. Or something indoor, for in the winters. So many ideas." We both laugh. "So much fantasy. It's gonna be great." I look at the land and fantasize everything I want to happen.

"It's gonna be epic." I say and smile. I drink a sip of my tea, and smile at the thought of everything going to happen, just like I wanted it to.

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