Chapter 29

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I'm in front of a big house. It's pretty dark outside, but there's enough light to see things. I open the front door and hear laughter. I go to the right and see all my old friends having fun with Eddie, Willow and Luke. Luke has his arm around Patricia and the room starts spinning. "No you can't do that to me! You promised you'd never leave!" Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and it startles me. I look around and see Antonio. "Hello doll." He says with that awful smile. "No get away from me!" The room starts spinning even more, and then I look up. Water comes down and splashes me all wet.

"Alex!" I sit up and look at a concerned Luke and mom. "We couldn't wake you." Mom says and holds up the empty glass. I wipe the water out of my face. I look at them and then just start crying. "Same nightmare again?" Luke asks and takes my into his arms. "I'm gonna make you an extra appointment with the psychiatrist. That's the fourth time this week you had that nightmare." Mom says and walks out of the room.

"Why does it have to suck so much." I say between the tears. "I know baby, i know." Luke says and plants a kiss on my hair. "Can't it just go away." I wipe the tears away. "If I could I would." He says and rubs my back. "I'm gonna shower." I say and he nods. I get up from the bed and walk towards the bathroom. Luke gets me a set of underwear and then I close the bathroom door. "I'll wait out here." Luke says and I hear him sit down on the bed.

He has been really helpful the past week. Especially with those nightmares. He stayed every night and also stays most of the day. He'll just help with the boys or other things in the house when my mom needs help. He only goes home for laundry things and Thor. He really is a keeper.

Once I'm done in the shower, I put on the underwear and a mint green tank top with black joggings. I walk out of the bathroom with my hair in a towel and I see he's on his phone. "Isn't that a bit cold?" He asks barely looking up. "Yeah it's just for under my sweater." I say and go to my closet. I grab one of my sweaters and put it on.

"Cute." He says and I laugh. "As far as this can be cute, thank you." I say and he smiles. "Did you already have breakfast?" "Sweetie I already had lunch." He says and I raise and eyebrow. I look at the clock and see it's already past 12.30 pm. "Right. I'm gonna go lunch." I say and we both laugh. I walk down and go to the kitchen. "Alex Alex!" Two little boys walk up to me. "You play with trucks?" James asks. "No not now James. Maybe later. Alex is a bit tired." I say and smile at him. Elliott pulls my pants and whispers something very quietly.

"What did you say?" I squat down and look at him. "You maybe later?" He says silently. "Yeah maybe later. Good job at saying that." I say and high five him. I high five James too and they both run away again. Elliott got a bit of a set back over summer with his talking, while James is talking like a train on full speed.

I make some lunch/ breakfast and sit down in the living room. Mom and I watch TV with the boys, and a little later Luke joins. It's pretty fun, even though we're watching a kids show.
They really have some inappropriate jokes in them. Which I find pretty funny.


It's in the afternoon and it just started snowing like crazy. "I guess we're not going to walk the pups." I say to Luke as I'm standing by the windows. "I guess not. I'll ask dad to let him out for a pee. With this weather I'm not driving anywhere." Luke says and takes his phone. He texts his dad and I look at loki, fascinated by the snow. "Did Thor see snow yet?" "Yeah once, really late at night, when my dad went to check up on the horses. It snowed quite a bit, but it was melted in the morning." "Oh okay. Loki hasn't yet." I say and I smile. "I'll get my phone to record." He sighs and I grin. We take our winter coats and put them on. I put loki on his leash first and Luke starts recording.

"Alrighty." I say and open the door. We go outside and it's freezing cold. Loki looks at the snow and carefully touches it with his paw. "Alright free." I say after I take off the leash. He looks at me very flustered why the white spectacle. "Come on buddy." I say and walk down the little steps. I walk through the snow, and he carefully follows me. It takes a minute or two, but then he gets that it's safe and he starts jumping and playing around. It's a funny thing to watch. Luke gets it all on camera, and sometimes we switch so he's on some footage with Loki too.

We're back inside and loki is all wet by the snow that's now melting on his back. We dry him with a towel, and he lays down on his blanket. "How about a game?" Mom asks and takes out monopoly. We sit down with her and start playing the game.

"I really have to start making dinner. We can finish this after dinner." Mom says after about an hour of playing. Luke and I decide to go upstairs and mom starts cooking.

"Hey uhm, Lex." Luke starts as soon as he closes the door. I look at him and he seems a bit nervous. "Good news or bad news?" I immediately ask. He seems a bit stunned by the answer. "Is it good news or bad news? You have an I Have News face on." He slowly nods, trying to understand. "It can be both." He says and makes me sit down on the bed. "So I've been thinking for a quite a while now." He says and I nod, scared of what's he's saying next. "It's December now. And I'm thinking about starting college next school year. I got into Harvard, in Boston."

"Boston? That's like a 14 hour drive." I say a bit shocked. "Yeah, yeah I know. It's just something that I'm thinking about. I really wanna be able to go to college and have the college experience before I take over the ranch some day." I nod slowly and look at my hands. "Okay. I understand you want that." I say and look at him. "But?"

"But, the college experience? You know that's mostly parties, alcohol and sex with strangers." "Not for me. For me it's more living in this big city, and exploring new things every day. Plus you get the opportunity to learn something important every single day. It's an amazing facility." "Well if you really want it that bad you should go. I can't stop you from following your dream." I say and put my hand on his. He smiles at me.

"You think so?" I nod. "Yeah." I say and he gives me a hug. We decide to play a game, until the boys have to go to bed, and I can tuck them in.

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