Let's try that again

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Tension was rising in the garage as you sat on a chair in the corner with your leg elevated you watched the Sky TV stream of the qualifying. It was Q2 and with only a few minutes to go the team were about to lose Daniel with his lap times.
"Come on Danny!" Some of the mechanics shouted but it wasn't enough as he slipped into P13.
"George... George..." you said to yourself looking for his name "come on Georgie!" You shouted

"And George Russell, mr Saturday has a super Saturday and makes it to Q3!" You heard over the tv
"Yess!!" You said going to jump up before remembering walking was hard enough with your current condition.
"Ah congrats Anna!" Charlotte shouted
"Aw they will be so happy!" You replied as she gave you a hug
"He's on his way back" Will said which was your cue to move your chair to get the car in.

As you hobbled up to your feet you grabbed your crutches and made your way over the the coms desk waiting for lando before Q3.

You gave a small wave as he pulled in and then got on the radio to chat for a bit to know where his head was at with the final stage of qualifying. You told him the news that sainz and leclerc didn't make Q3 but George had just made it and Williams were so proud.  He was ready to get going once again so you found somewhere to sit and watch the team as you were forced the rest.

"He's done it" Will said turning to you and Jon who were watching the TV.
"Where is he?" Jon asked
"P2" Will replied "I'm telling him now, Anna" he said as he handed you both a headset
"Sorry guys that was shit" lando said through the static noise
"Ok mate, hope your sat down. That is P2 mate. Your front row" Will said hardly able to get out his words
"Let's fucking go!! Yeaahhh awesome! Cheers! Well done guys!" Lando shouted
"Congratulations baby" you said calling over the radio
"Thank you darling, are you going down to parc fermé?" He asked
"I'll piggy back her down" Jon replied. Jon was right. He did carry you all the way to meet lando while Charlotte carried your crutches for when you got there.

Lando made his way over to the P2 stand to take off his helmet and get his hat before running over to you stood at the barriers. Cameras in your face and taking photos as you kicked yourself forward into the barrier to wrap your arms around the boy you loved.
"You did it! Ah!"
"I love you so frickin much" lando smiled through a kiss
"You make me so so proud!" You said as you ran your hands through his curls brushing them out with your nails.
"I've got to go for interviews I'll meet you back in the garage" lando said before kissing your forehead and being dragged away.

"He's the biggest simp I've ever witnessed walk this Earth" Jon laughed, you hit his shin with your crutch
"He loves me, I love him. But I must say your not wrong" you laughed.

While lando was busy doing press you met with Carmen, George's girlfriend, to get an outfit for tomorrow as you didn't have anything paddock worthy enough and you weren't in team wear as you wasn't classed as working. She had a few spare changes of clothes so she gave you a pale blue shirt and white shorts for tomorrow which were both Chanel and you couldn't come to terms with accepting food incase you spilt something on them. Luckily being the same size it fitted like a glove and you were able to wear your white trainers Charlotte painted for you with it.

By time Lando finished with press and got changed you were ready to get back and get some food before hitting it as an early night before tomorrow. Your stitches in your leg still had a few more days before they came out but still needed cleaning. Lando spent ten minutes every morning and evening cleaning it with the upmost concentration and love. He hated seeing you out of action and not yourself but you knew it was best to rest to be back up ready for the Silverstone race in a couple of weeks.

"What are they thinking about tomorrow?" You asked as you lay face first on the bed while lando cleaned your stitches up.
"Mm oh, they are saying p5 would be reasonable in a worse case scenario but I'm going to push for a win."
"You should, there is nothing stopping you  and you should take the advantage."
"That's what I tried to say but the team have their data. I'll race how I'll race." He hummed as the cold water hit your leg.
"Daniel didn't seem happy" you commented through the stinging
"No he was pretty pissed. His race pace is always better though. It was brilliant to hear about George though"
"He was so happy, I managed to see him after while you were with sky sports"

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