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Following the amazing start lando had to his 2020 season he was still on a high from it all, he had been swarmed by press after the race and was still getting calls through the week of people asking him to do podcasts or short interviews.

"The weather isn't looking great for this weekend, there are chances of rain" you said flicking through your phone
"Well I guess I'll just be sliding about and hopefully not into a barrier."
"That's not funny lando" you sternly said lifting your head from his shoulder "not funny at all"
"Don't worry, if it's so bad they will delay it or call it off. I can ensure you there hasn't been a bad crash for a while due to the rain" He said trying to reassure you.

"Morning big foot" you said as George walked with you through the paddock security
"Morning little mouse" he replied nudging you over
"Oi! I'm not that little. Anyways at least I don't have out of proportion legs"
"They are not! These out of proportion legs will give you a good kick if you carry on"
"Oooo scary" you sarcastically said

"How are you feeling about qualifying?" You asked
"Well I'm feeling good but I don't know if the car will be. We can only hope"
"I think you will get a good position so just keep pushing and work the car out." You said "Anyways I better get off, I promised I'd meet lando, he's been here for two hours already going through strategy for the race"
"Fancy telling me anything?"
"You may be family but your not McLaren so no"
You said walking off with a witty smile.

It was getting busy as the qualifying started soon, the smell of rubber and fuel was already lingering and luckily today you didn't need to wait around too long before hand.

You grabbed two coffees from the McLaren hub before making it over to the trailers.
"Hello lan, coffee?" You offered
"Here she is" lando said walking over to take the cups off you and kiss your forehead.
"I've just been chatting to George, you ready for quali?"
"Always ready right?"
"Of course you are ahah"

"I heard they cancelled the last free practice?"
"Yeah it was too dangerous. I think this will be delayed too. You were right about the weather Anna"
"I'm always right that's why" you said with a smirk
"I'm gonna be ready to wait around a bit today because I don't think we will start on time if it carry's on"
"No I agree it's too dangerous."

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, nothing like the sun from last week. There was no way you would be able to sit out on the balcony today with the rest of the team who couldn't be in the pit.
At this rate you would be watching it all from the monitor in the hub building.

Lando didn't do too much talking before hand of a qualifying session and he was especially quiet about it today. You didn't know if it was nerves to be as good as last weekend or if something was bothering him so you don't want to cause a problem and dig at him so you decided it was best to leave it.

"Everything ready?" You asked after going through the checklist of his gear to take with him to the garage.
"Yeah. I should be back in a few hours if they don't let you in the pit"
"I'm going to still walk over and nip in and I'll see how long I can stay"
"Ok. We better get over there.." lando said taking your hand as he rubbed circles with his thumb in the top of it.
"Be careful. Please?"
"I will. I love you" you said as you rested your forehead on his chest
"I love you too. Now go get em!" You laughed as you ushered him to start walking.

Qualifying was wet. Very wet and it had been delayed until the race director felt it was safe to get everyone out there again. You stayed in the pit this weekend as you sat with the mechanics talking about being able to hopefully go on holiday after the season.

All was going as best as things could when the drivers started to make their final laps when you overheard someone talking about lando. You pricked up your ears to his name as it worries you every time people had a concerned look.
"Excuse me a second" you said to one of the mechanics.

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