"You're gonna stay here", Ethan said with his Alpha tone which ofcourse didn't affect me, then he nodded his head towards me looking at Jack indicating him to stay with me while Ethan himself wasn't present and Jack nodded back as I rolled my eyes at them. Don't roll your eyes at me princess  a voice in my head said which I realised was Ethan mindlinking me.

It was wierd for me to mindlink someone cause I never was from Cresent moon pack so none of them could mindlink me as we weren't connected, and Golden moon stopped when I moved specially when I blocked half of them and the other's were my friend and my brother who I could talk to on phone so it was new to me in a nostalgic way, if that even made sense.

When I was pretty sure Ethan was now far and Jack was in his room I decided to leave as no one was paying attention, or that's what I thought, just when my hand reached for the doorknob I was stopped by Jack who appeared out of nowhere.

"And where do you think you're going?", He said crossing his arms on his chest.

"I'm going for a walk on this sunny day", I said trying to look innocent and not like a deer caught under the headlights.

"Yeah it's literally fucking chilly out there Emma and I know you're going to Ethan just don't lie to me. Come on I'll go with you", he said opeaning the door as I stood there looking shocked.

"Wait do you need some favour or something? Why are you helping me? Are you someone else? What did you do to my stupid bestfriend?", I asked looking at him narrowing my eyes, Jack was onto something I knew it the moment he came back.

"I do kinda need a favor, but that's not why I'm helping okay. I know you'd go there anyway so I just decided to make it easier I guess", he said shrugging carelessly but his demeanor was still remained tensed.

"What is it? Tell me I mean it is kind of a long walk till the border so just tell me", I said bumping my shoulder to his.

"I haven't found my mate. And before you say something no I'm not losing hope or think she's dead or something okay. I just, I think I like someone and she's not my mate but I like her alot and I just need some advice", he said all in one breath.

"Woah....well who's she?", I was really curious because Jake was never one to date, he had some flings when he was young but then he stopped and decided to wait for his mate so him suddenly taking an interest in someone was rare.

"Rose. Its her", he said and I stopped walking. It was shocking, not the bad kind but I don't know if I could call it good, she was still sad about Ethan maybe; the fact that we haven't heard from her since few days just made it worse, hell Jake didn't even know she was missing. "Say something Ems", he said looking at me and I was speechless.

"She's-well not here right now. And we don't know where she is, I mean she'll be back she told me, like no she wrote to me but-", he cut me off by placing his hands on my shoulder and said, "I know, Chris told me. I just wanted to tell someone what I was feeling and you know I can't tell the boys untill I'm sure and you're like the only person who listens so, I just wanted someone to listen to me", and I nodded completely understanding where he was coming from.

"Don't worry we'll figure it out together", I said smiling at him. "Together", he replied pulling me closer towards him; as I looked around and realised that we've almost reached the border, there were many people gathered around whispering about something.

Suddenly I saw Ethan and Zach standing there near a guy who looked like he was seconds away from dying, there was some beeping sound and when I looked around I saw a bag and there was box like thing with a timer on in, as I realised what it was my wolf got alert and I shouted, "Everyone get out of here, there's a bomb".

And people starting running when Ethan brown eyes caught mine and we started moving towards eachother but suddenly there was a loud noise, then everything went silent as I felt pain on the right side of my body as I landed roughly, my head smashed against a tree and everything went black.

Published on:- 5 July 2021.

This is the longest chapter I've written in this book till now. I guess it was just a bit tough for me to write it as these past few days were pretty emotional for me and I can't focus on typing sometimes even when my mind is literally flooding with ideas, but now I'm back on track I guess so get ready for alottt of drama and action and what not my lovely snowflakes.

Also always remember, you're wonderful and beautiful and IT IS OKAY to cry, or procrastinate, just feel whatever you want to but don't stay there.
And after this veryy emotional (for me atleast) note here I have a meme for you just so you know how I feel when I'm writing.

Ps i deleted it was that was too cringe)

Stay safe, spread love and kindness.

IceQueen ❣️

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