Chapter 48.

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"Hi girls! Tell me!" I smile.

"Uhm... I think you're an incredible girl, you know?" Josie starts. "Always trying to help people with theire conflicts..."

"But you can't continue like this" Lizzie continues.

I laugh.

"Girls, I..."

"Do not try to say everything's just fine, because also you know that's not" She interrupts. "Remember what the Doctor said? You have to..."

"I remember that, but she wasn't a Doctor, girls. She was a psycopatic girl who were obsessed with my fda!" I laugh.

"What?!" Josie asks, so I start the tell.

"Why didn't you call us?" Lizzie asks at the end.

"It was... A family thing. And we have to do by our own"

"no, Hope. We're your friends. We help each other, as we always did!" Josie says.

"My problems are always been my problems"  I say starting get nervous, and everything starts to tremble.

"Because you want things go like this! But things can also change!" Lizzie interveens.

"I have to. People I care..."

"Die! We know, but you can make them turn back, so what's the problem?" Lizzie blurts out.

I can't believe she really saied this.

I go away without say anythig. I go in my room, where I make my packages. 

Alaric comes.

"Hope... What are you doing?"

"If I can turn back people like Lizzie says, what's the problem if I kill her?" I scream.

"What the hell are you saying?!" Exclaims him.

"Ask her. Now I have to go"  I take by things, but he closes the door.

"I'll let twenty minutes to you. Change yourself and come to the gym with me. We'll train ourself. Don't let me down" He says, then he goes away leaving me alone.

I guess he's going to talk with his daughters, but I don't care.

I take my phone and I ly on my bed with musinc in my hears and I close my eyes, trying to calmdown by myself.


Time passes, and after twenty minutes somebody knocks at the door. 

I wake up and I go open.

"Good evening, Mrs Mikaelson!" It's Alaric. "I thought I told you come to the gym! Do I wrong?"

Oh my god.

"Yes, uhm... I'm sorry! I..." I try to speak, but he interrupts me:

"Come. Now. Ten minutes. Time runs" Only says before go away.

I do as fast as I can, then I go.

"Here I am!" I exclaim get closer to his back.

He turns around himself and makes me fall down.

"C'mon Hope! I thought you were the powerful tribrid!" He exclaims.

I get back on my feet and I react.

I hit him, and for a while he loose the balance.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes" He hits me, then he tries to make me fall again, but this time I push him away. He goes against the wall, then it's him who falls.

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