Chapter 19. Hi people...Goodbye people!

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The entire school is trembling, and I don't know what to do. I can't control myself.

I need the bracelet.

Someone cnocks at the my room's door.

"Hope, I'm Caroline. Can I enter please? I can help you"

"Come in" I say trying to not lose all my balance.

She enters. She is beautiful. She has short hair, grey eyes, and an amazing style in dresses.

She is not tall, but she seems to be okay.

"Hi" She smiles.

"Goodmorning" I try to pretend a smile.

"How are you?"

"Fine, thanks. What about you?"

"I'm fine,thanks" She fakes a smile.

"I know that's false..." 

"You're very smart!" She jockes. "Listen, I'm not here to say you that you've done a bad thing, because I think you did a very brave, and beautiful thing. If I was in you, I couldn't have done that, even if I wanted so much..."


"Because when I was your age, I wasn't so brave to allow my dreams comes true"  She is honests.

"I know you loved my father... If that's what you're trying to tell me" I go to the point. 

"I'm trying telling you that's okay want something, and try to get it until you reach it. And that's okay what you've done.

You've fought to make your family come back, you've put in act what your parents taught you, and that's right.  I understand you.

You really don't know what I've should done to make my mother come back when she died..." She breathes.

"Why did you not try to do something?"

"Because I prefered to accept that. It was more simple! I couldn't continue trying and see nothing happened, I wasn't strong enough like you. I admire you... You're just like your father" She smiles, and a lights sparkles in her eyes.

"Thanks, I know. My father is a very good person, even if you don't believe this"

"I believe this instead. And maybe we are the only, in this school, which can proove that"

"Show me" I get closer to her.

"No, I can even don't do that"

"Why? What are you afraid of?"

She smiles.

"You're... Just like your father" She repeats, then she goes.

Landon arrives.

"Hi! What happens?"

I run to hug him.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too" I whisper. 

"What did Caroline wanted? Is it alright?" 

"Uhm... Yeah, she... I don't know what she wanted, but I think it is all okay" I smile. "We have just to... Fond three people which are immortals, and find a way to kill them"

"What?" Asks Landon.

"Did you remember the balance? It has to be restablished, and it's not been done yet"

"Okay! And... Who do you want to kill?"

"I don't know..."

"Hope... You sayied immortals, so... You have to kill one of us. Do you know that, yes?"

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