My mouth was gaped open the whole time,

"Miles...Wh..why would you tell me something like that?"

"Thought you asked."

I really didn't know what to say,

"That's so sad, I'm sorry." And I thought I had the worst childhood.

"I don't need your pity...."

I shook my head at him and scoffed at his inability to accept sympathy. We arrived at the airport soon after. I got down quickly, another second with Miles and I would lose my damn mind,

I reached to the back and grabbed my bag,

"Here, take this." Miles handed me another postcard, for the past six months I've been getting postcards from Carlos, "He said you would know what to do with it."

I took a look at it, It's an island.

"Well, I'll be on my way." I said and turned to leave, but then I remembered something , "Miles?"

He turned to look at me,

"You told me your story. Does this mean you trust me?"

He shrugged,

"I guess you're not that bad after all." He started the car again.

I beamed at his words,

"Cut the attitude, and you won't be half bad yourself."

"I better not see you back here." He yelled out and then drove off, leaving me still grinning, when I finally pulled through it, I turned around and began my journey.

I got to the Caribbean and booked the nearest hotel, I still didn't know what I was doing here or what I was expected to find, Carlos didn't leave any clues for this journey.

I took a walk out the balcony of my hotel room and stared out the waves, it was beautiful. Suddenly, I remembered why I loved it the first time I got a glimpse of it in a magazine.

I went in when it started pouring and then while I waited so densely for sunrise, I took a closer look at the postcards,

They were all of different kinds every time they came in, Mountains, festivals, islands, rivers, trees, shorelines.

"What are you trying to say, Carlos? I don't understand any of this." I pushed the cards away and went to take a shower, reminiscing on the best moments of my life with him--

That's when it hit me.

I quickly hopped out of the shower, and into the room. I turned the cards around and took another look at the dotted lines.

I placed them together,

"It's a map... A fucking map."

I gasped and took out my phone to scan where it led,


The next morning I set on the journey using the trail Carlos left for me, he put in a whole deal into planning this surprise, I can't wait to see what it is.

The map led me to Coron, an old province in Palawan. I made my way through the busy, rowdy village, walking my way through with the map,

"Sorry, do you know where this is?" I asked a bike rider, referring to a point on the map,

He took a close look at it,

"Yes, that's la vudalla. I'll take you, come." He said.

I nodded,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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