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Jack paces around the room nervously. His face pale and his hands shaking as the fear is visible in his eyes. Voices could be heard from the living room where Akira's family and Alex are sitting around talking.

Akira who was sitting on the bed sighs and gets up and towards her husband wrapping her arms around him from behind. "Relax hun. It's not gonna be that bad. Plus I'm gonna be there by your side the entire way" She says softly.

Okay you're probably extremely confused so let's back up a little alright? Akira actually found out she's pregnant. She told her husband Jack the day after. He was really excited. Happy tears streamed down his face as he squealed picking Akira up and spinning her around with a huge smile in his face as he yelled 'I'm gonna be a dad' over and over again. He then put her down and kneeled in front of her and kissed her stomach saying. 'I haven't even met you buttercup but I already love you'.

He has been the happiest man alive since yesterday until Akira called her family to announce the good news. Fear immediately overcome him. That's quite valid as he needs to tell her scary looking brother's and father that he got their little Akira pregnant. He is terrified.

Right now they are in the room beside the living room where Akira's brother's, father along with alex are gathered around and they are about to announce the good news and he is about to pass out.

Now let's get back to the story. He looks down at her and sighs in defeat giving her a barely noticeable nod. Akira reassuringly smiles at him and takes his hand and drags him to the living room.

They both stand in front of the family who are looking at them confused to why they were so urgently called over.

Jack clears his throat and opens his mouth to talk but no words seem to come out. He looks over at his wife giving her a pleading look. Akira playfully roles her eyes at him but obliges nonetheless.

"We invited you guys over to tell you something important" Akira starts and her family nods signaling her to continue. She takes a deep breath and says, "I'm pregnant".

Her father eyes widen as tear pools his eyes. "Really?" He asks her barely above a whisper. She nods smiling through her tears walking over to him as he stands up and pulls her into a huge hug.

She then looks towards her brother and best friend. Alex is jumping and dancing like a idiot as he squeals like a school girl. Elijah and Eliot just gape at her in shock. The twins smile teary eyes standing up and giving her hugs congratulating her. Xander follows the twins giving her smile and hug also congratulating her.

The elder brothers seem to snap out of their shock stage and they too congratulate her and give her huge hugs.

Finally all of their heads snap to Jack who is standing behind Akira nervously smiling at them. Alexander and the boys glare at him taking huge strides toward Jack who slowly backs away shaking with fear. Alex sits down on the couch eating popcorn which god knows where it came from enjoying watching the drama and Akira tries to calm down her family.



Hey guys!

This is the last update for this book. Hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and share if you like this chapter and follow me if you like my work. Also i would really apreciate if you comment your opinion.

This is the last ever part for this story like ever. To be honest this is my second time writing this book. The first time i wrote it, it was of 86 very long chapters. My parents don't allow me to have social media but i somehow convinced them to let me post on wattpad. This is one of my fav books so i decided to post it so after so many months i opened the file with all the chapters to this book to find only the epilogue remaining. I was heartbroken cause my hard work of 2-3 years all went down the drain. However i still loved this book so i decided to rewrite it as i post. Writing this book again wasn't as exciting as the first time so i rushed through a lot of stuff and quickly finished this book which i'm really sorry about. 

Thank you guys so much for all the support i got in this book. Starting this book i never expected votes or reads. I just genuinely loved writing books and wanted it to be read by other people to get feedback and improve my writing. Thank you sooooo much for reading my book. I love you guys and I'm extremely grateful for you guys. Especially cause you are the sweetest readers ever. Your guys comment was something i looked forward to everyday and still do. They always made my day better so thank you. Love you :)

-Love Shreeya

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