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Hey guys!

As you know I have been having my exams for the past few weeks. My phase 1 of the final exam just finished and phase 2 is starting day after tomorrow. Exam months are always hard for me with many panic attacks, a lot of stress and many tears. 

This time it has been twice the stress leading to many panic attacks as I also need to write new chapters of this book for you guys. I have been trying for the past few weeks to write plus prepare for my exam but it's been really hard. And on top of that the last few chapters have not been the best.

I want to give you guys the best chapter but right now it just doesn't seem possible so even though i didn't wanted to do this i kinda have to. I'm not gonna update this book for 2 weeks. It's not a lot though i wanted to inform you guys. I'm really sorry for this. I'm gonna start updating as soon as my exams are completed and give you guys better chapter.

After this exam my Grade 7 will be completed meaning I'll be free so i will be updating a lot. I'll be posting double updates and update chapters maybe even on days other that my updating days. And maybe I'll post new story too. So stay tune to for that.

I'm so sorry for this. I hope you guys understand. I'm really really sorry.

-Love Shreeya

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