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Akira's POV

There stands

Alex. Yes my best friend Alex. You're probably annoyed with me so let's learn a little about my life shall we? Well my earliest memory is when I was crying at an alleyway after the beating I got. It should have been almost a year after my kidnapping. I was about to turn four in a week or so when I met uncle Luci. He was coming after finishing a mission and took me home to aunty Eli. They became my parent figure and taught me to fight and stuff. You know about that.

Till the age of five I could to take grown mens at hand to hand combat. Once when I was five there were 8 armed men cornering me in an alleyway. That's when I first met Alex he was 8. He came to my rescue and we both killed all of the men. He was living at a orphanage 5 min walk from my "parents" home. We talked and started meeting up every day. After that we became each other's other halves. He became my best friend. We knew each and everything about each other. He knew what I feel without me telling him and vice versa. He became the overprotective brother. We caused trouble together and made late night memories that I wouldn't trade for the world. Alex was a street fighter before he know me and he taught me stuff too. He a 8 year old boy went to kill my "parents" when he found out I was abused by them and came out extremely injured and fell in a coma for 1 week. I had yelled at him for hours telling him that he should never do that again cause he will get injured and all but he still did it more 2 times even after me yelling/crying to him for hours and the result was similar.

When I was 6 aunty and uncle moved cause I was being targeted because I was apparently the soft spot of the American mafia. We kept in touch and texted everyday but didn't meet cause it was dangerous till today.

Anyway moving on when I was 7 and Alex 10 a 7 year old boy named Jack joined Alex's orphanage. Soon he joined our little family. Like Alex he was very overprotective of me. We shared everything with each other.

Those dumb fucks tried to kill my abusive "parents" 6 times. 6 TIMES. Every time they came out so injured but they never learnt. I would feel so guilty and cry for hours and yell at them but they would always do it again. One time when I was not "home" and they attacked my "parents" without telling me, 1000 men attacked those two and Jack was in a coma for 3 months and Alex for 2 months I had felt so guilty. I yelled at them for a few hours continuously and cried telling them if they get hurt for me again I will kill myself from guilt. That was the last time they tried to kill my "parents".

Anything would bother me they were always by my side trying to cheer me up. Anyone would bother me or hurt me they would end up actually dead.

Till the age of 9 I was expert in every kind of weapon and hand to hand combat and I joined the underground world (which the boys didn't approve off). I became a deadly and rich and still had my little family. They were my rock until one day when I went to their orphanage and Alex informs me crying that Jack got adopted. We tried so hard to contact him but we couldn't. I learn to hack so that I could find him but we were unsuccessful.

Fast forward to when I was 11 and Alex 14. He got informed that he was getting adopted a month before. The entire month we never left each other's side and sobbed and made thousands promises. After that my life was just two things. VIOLENCE and LONELINESS until I found my real family.

See this what I meant by getting distracted easily. Now let's get back to the story. Dad supports me as tears freely flow down my face as I stare at the person in front of me. His eyes roam the room until he reaches me. He froze. He stared at me wide eyed and jaw hanging open. Tears started flowing down his face too. I snapped back to reality and stumbled out of my dad's hold and run to Alex. I literally jumped on him. He stumbled back a little but hold me tight as I wrap my legs around his torso and arms around his neck. I stuffed my face in the crook of his neck as my body shook with sobs. He hold me tight like I will disappear any moment and cried.

We stayed like that for a while until I remembered something. I abruptly pushed off of him and stepped back from him. I looked at him in the eyes and slapped him so hard it rung through the walls. Everyone looked shocked as he held his cheek and stumbled back a little. "REALLY ALLY. REALLY. WE TALKED ABOUT YOUR ADOPTION FOR MONTH. WE CRIED WE MADE PROMISES. AND THEN ONE DAY I GO TO MEET YOU LIKE EVERYDAY AND FIND OUT YOU'RE GONE. AND WHAT DID YOU LEFT ME WITH? A LETTER. JUST A FUCKING LETTER. HOW COULD YOU? I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW UNCLE LUCI AND AUNTY ELI ADOPTED YOU. I CALLED YOU FOR WEEKS BUT ALWAYS IT WAS SWITCHED OFF UNTIL WHEN ONE DAY STRANGER PICKS UP. YOU LEFT ME ALL ALONE. YOU LEFT ME IN THE DARK WHEN YOU ALWAYS PROMISED YOU'D NEVER. YO-" I yelled well rambled through sobs but was cut off when Alex pulled me into his chest. He picked me up and rocked us back and forth rubbing my back as I was still yelling at him but it was muffled.

"Shh. Shh. It's okay. It's okay" Alex softly said while still rocking us and rubbing my back until I stopped yelling. I was still sobbing. "I'm sorry rainbow. I'm really sorry. I was a coward and left you with just a letter because I knew I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to you. You mean everything to me and telling goodbye would be really hard for me but that isn't a excuse I know. And about the phone thing that was because the people who adopted took it from me. They took me to America abused me every day for weeks until I ran away. I ran to the nearest orphanage and explained to them everything and they let me stay. I bought a new phone and tried my best to get my number back but someone new already had. And you know how in your phone how numbers that are not saved in you contacts can't call you because of the shield or protection you have on your phone. I try to brake it or hack into it but it was made by the one and only you so that was impossible. Uncle Luci and Aunty Eli came to the orphanage to adopt someone and saw me and adopted me. Leaving you with just a letter was the biggest mistake I've made my entire life and i regret it everyday. I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry rainbow. I'm sorry" Alex said his voice braking multiple times. I know I should be mad at him and never forgive him but I just can't. Every day I missed him so so much.

"It's okay but I am gonna get you back somehow" I say after a few minutes of silence. He hugged me tight and kissed my forehead as happy tears left his eyes. "Thank you so much rainbow" He said. He wiped my tears and put me down. He wiped his tears and cleared his throat.

Random thought but everyone I know and love is like the most dangerous people on earth. They all are like big "bad" people with soft spot for me.

We look forward to see my family staring at us with shocked faces and aunty and uncle smiling at us. Dad snapped back to reality and closed his mouth that was hanging open. "I would ask what just happened but I feel like it will take hours so we'll have a talk about it during dinner." Dad said and went to the dining room without waiting for a response. Oh boy. This is gonna be interesting? Yeah interesting works, This is gonna be a interesting dinner *says in a scary voice*.

I snapped back to reality when Alex took my hand and pulled me (If you're wondering why I'm not crying in pain from my ribs and foot this afternoon. Well I have these shots that is given in my arm when I have extreme pain and they numb my pain which I use when I have an event or something I need to attend to and I used one for today's dinner cause I didn't wanted to risk anything) towards the kitchen when I realized everyone has already gone.

Deep breathes in and out. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. Let's do this. How bad can it be?

How wrong I was!



Hey guys!

This is the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and share if you like this chapter and follow me if you like my work. And also please comment your opinion I would really appreciate them.

I'm sorry I didn't post last yesterday. I still feel extremely guilty.

And thank you so so sooooooooooooooooo much for 20 k. I can't thank you guys enough. Saying i'm shocked is an understatement. I never thought i would get like 10 reads but now that it's 20 k it's unbelievable. Thank you so much.

-Love Shreeya

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