☆THIRTY-NINE☆ - house of Allegiance

Start from the beginning

"You wouldn't dare. I'm basically like a big brother to Milly!"
Mick said with a scoff, there were times in the past when both of their parents met up for business meetings and whatnot then they'd leave their children alone depending on if someone hired a nanny for the day then these two would basically spend some time together which explains their sort of close bond. "Eh, she's twelve what'd ya expect from her" Commented the brunette whilst shrugging her shoulders. "Very funny" he tells everyone else thus got up from where he sat still feeling quit embarrassed about it now going to the sink "Amber, we're on kitchen duty" he tells Millington as he left that side.

"Be with you in a sec"
Amber says as he made his way their- however, none of them believed she was actually going to wash dishes because in the past she's complained so many times about how her hands will get wrinkled so this should be a surprise to her housemates.

"Lost your appetite Alfie?"
Fabian quizzed with concern since he hadn't seen the boy touch anything from his plate.

This question made Alfie get up from his seat after staring at the door as if he were expecting Jerome to magically come back from wherever. "Yeah; it was delicious. " he quickly responded just as he placed his plate into their housemother's hands. "Thanks Trudy" he added and this caused her to throw the towel over towards where Amber sat.

"Would you like to swap chores with me?"
Amber questioned her ex best friend and roommate when she put the towel down onto the table. "Why would I want to washing when it's your turn?" Replied Mara as she gave it back to the female blonde, although she wasn't giving up just yet. "Look- I know stuff . lots of stuff and I know that you to get into that kitchen and sort it out; that guy's crazy about you" she continued her point whilst giving it back again.

"No. just crazy"
Mara said while rejecting the suggestion of doing chores since it wasn't even her night. "Then you two are perfect for each other- now just go, I know you want to and I just had my nails done so everyone wins" remarked Millington whilst handing it over once again hoping she'd say yes that time.. to which she did give up on saying no and finally got up from her chair.

When some of their housemates went somewhere else, this was a perfect moment for the search finding crew to get up and continue with their next task .. whatever that may be. "Come on guys" Nina motioned just before the five of them headed out from the living room area.

*** *** ****

"Inside the core of my enemy's pride is where the final relic hides"
Patricia read out loud their newest clue that Nina had found hidden inside the chandelier downstairs earlier, nobody knew what any of it meant.. like always.

"The final relic"
Nina excitingly says in awe when it was being read out. "I can't believe we're so close" she added as a smile grew on her face, it really almost was the end of term which possibly meant they'd part ways once they've found their very last mystery clue, although since the group has formed such a strong bond it would be unlikely they fall apart and go back to their old ways.

Around that moment Amber started repeating the words 'Core' for no unknown reason reason, this made the purple haired girl close by laugh at how silly she was being.

"You sound like Corbire Amber!"
Patricia tells her through her soft laughter then she too began making bird like nosies.

"Thats it! Patricia, Amber- genius!"
Nina tells them as soon as she got an idea inside her mind. "I know!" perked the blonde in a pleased tone but then realised she had no clue what this girl was going on about. "Why?"

"Corbier is the pride and joy" Fabian informed Amber who eventually understood.
"Nice deduction; you guys are so good together- like Shaggy and Scooby"
she said which only made the duo a little bit embarrassed by her comment.

"Ha! you just compared Fabes to a dog"
Said Rhianna while she snorted at Amber's comment "Never change Millington, never change" she finished speaking thus went over towards here library and she ran her finger over the bookshelf which had millions of books [some she has read some she hasn't] she picked up a book she hadn't finished then sat back down on her bed.

"That is just.. I don't understand you sometimes Anna"
Remarked Fabian whilst jokingly shaking his head, he loved her he really did but most of the time he thinks she shares one brain cell with Alfie and Jerome because of how they speak but other than that she was one of a kind."Yeah, yeah.I don't understand myself either ". she simply agreed.

"Thanks for that guys"
Nina awkwardly said after that commentary on her and the raven haired boy

"So the final clue is inside Corbiere?"
Questioned Patricia in an amused voice tone whilst she carried on holding onto the piece of paper.

. "I think so.. "
Replied Nina although for a split second it went silent but then the dirty-blonde seemed to realise something. "Yes!"

And so after having their daily meeting in that particular bedroom,Fabian left first followed by Nina yet as they did this duo met halfway with Victor who suspiciously glanced at them while they walked past him, looked he was going somewhere - probably too met up with Mr sweet on school grounds or something like that...





Admin :

AHHH WE ARE SO FREAKING CLOSE TO THE FINALE!! the original book would've been finished last year but I lost motivation back then and now I'm no longer on writers block snjksnj I have three months off and that means if I complete rewatching this season during this month then I can start drafting book 2 [where you guys will meet a new character hee hee I'm excited for everyone to meet her] which also means bigger & better things will happen next season!

What has been you guys's favourite moment so far? lemme know in the comments x

please don't be a ghost reader, it'd mean a lot If you voted and shared but it doesn't really matter tbh ..

until next time (triple update? idek)

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