"Iruka Sensei, if you're done with Naruto then please announce our teammates" Choji said with his packet of chips in his hands; smiling like an idiot.

Iruka sighed; he can't believe his students are to graduate today but yet they are still so immature, "Choji how many times have i to tell you to not eat chips in the class" He scolded and in reply the boy just giggled.

"Leave him, sensei just announce our team mates names" Ino bugged in after punching Choji in the cheek.

After a quick glance at everyone Iruka quickly took the papers from the table and announce the teams, "Team 7: Uzumaki Naruto, Sakura Haruno and Uchiha Sasuke"

At this sudden unexpected team, everyone in their class especially the girls who have crush on Sasuke eyed Sakura dangerously giving her a look of like stay-away-from-my-Sasuke-kun. But the pink haired girl smirked in response.

"Team 8 Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi and Nara Shikamaru"

"Team 9 Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame and Kiba Inuzuka"

After announcing all the team mates names, Iruka turn to look at his students with a smile, "That's all, any question?"

"YES i have Iruka Sensei" Naruto stood up and pointed his finger at Sasuke "Why am i in a team with this loser, Iruka sensei"

"Shut up Naruto, how dare you say that to Sasuke-kun" Sakura quickly punch naruto in the face and turn to sasuke with a light blush in her cheeks, "Sasuke-kun is so cool and handsome"

Before they can make any more mess, Iruka cut them off, "Ok ok stop and Naruto for you question than Sasuke have the highest score in the class whereas your is the lowest"

And like that; that day until the recess  time the class enjoy their day in the academy by bickering, fighting and throwing stuffs annoying their teacher.



Keeping his ego aside Sasuke quickly called hinata before she went out of the classroom. He have been waiting for everyone to go outside to eat their lunch so that he could at least tell the Hyuga girl a word of gratitude for yesterday.

And after her team mate Kiba left her telling to wait outside and in mean while he will go to call Shino to eat lunch together; he called her with all the courage he have. He also tried to called her name gently but it just went out emotionlessly.

Hinata turn around to see sasuke standing in front of her handing her the balm that she gave him yesterday, "A-ah Sa-sasuke-kun didn't you u-use it" she asked looking down on the floor not wanting to meet his intense gaze.

Sasuke sighed before replying, "I do, now you can take it back..." He took a deep breath; his mouth not saying the words he wanted to say.

Hinata shook her head finally daring to meet his gaze with a small smile decorating her lips, "No Sasuke-kun, yo-you can k-keep it, i-it may come in h-handy som-sometime"

He nodded replying with a barely visible smile, "Thank you" After saying his small gratitude, he made his way outside the classroom. Hinata stood there shock contemplating the two words that he just said. Thank you that was the word she would never expect from him.

Was she day dreaming again? no right it feels so real. She giggled somehow glad that she got to show the Uchiha soft side.

"Ahh Hinata, i told you to wait outside right what are you doing here" Kiba asked with Shino by his side but without giving her a chance to answer, he grabbed her arm and dragged her outside.

Time pass as lunch time and other class time came to an end. Now was the time for them to meet their jonin teachers. Well, every team left with their sensei, the only team that was left was team 7 and 9.

For team 9 Iruka had told them that their sensei have some work so she will be a little late and as for team 7, he didn't say anything but yet he was smiling nervously when naruto asked about their team sensei.

"Why is our sensei so LATE" Naruto complaint walking back and forth in the classroom.

"What good can be happen with you around" Sasuke mumbled but enough for everyone in the class to hear, naruto quickly open his mouth to retort back but Kiba was quick to cut him off.

"At least our sensei informed that she will be late not like yours; who didn't even say nothing" He stated kinda proudly but he didn't said it because he want to tease naruto but because he didn't want to hear the uchiha and the uzumaki bickering again. To be exact he didn't want do see them kissing accidentally again like earlier when they were having a staring contest with each other.

Naruto rolled his eyes and folded his arms, firing back just as proudly "Yeah yeah your sensei who choose work instead of her students, right" and like that they both started bickering face to face ready to jump into each other.

Others just watch them where as the hyuga princess tried to stop them in any possible way she could but in reply she either got push or get in the middle of them while they were trying to grab their collars.

"K-kiba-kun naruto-kun pl-please stop" How much she tried none of them heard him and this time Kiba accidentally pushed her a bit too harshly as she stumbled few steps back and closed her eyes ready to meet the cold floor.

Yet it never came instead she felt someone catch her by wrapping their arm on her waist. Her eyes opened slowly and her heart reacted itself before her mind could process anything when her lavender eyes met the uchiha's cold one.

Her one hand was on his chest grabbing his shirt where as her other hand was grabbed by sasuke when he catch her. The whole room went silent at the sudden incident as they eyed the drama in front of them with wide eyes.

No one spoke; everyone was too shock to say anything, it's was just like that for some moments. Others staring at hinata and sasuke and the other two at each other eyes. It was such a intense moment that no one knew what to do but they didn't get to do anything when the door open revealing Yuhi Kurenai.

Team 9 jonin sensei.

Before saying anything she take a good look on what's happening as she stare at sasuke and hinata who straightened themselves and after saying a 'thank you' by hinata to the uchiha she walked towards their sensei with Kiba and Shino walking behind.

"Ahh, sensei can you tell us when will our sensei be arriving" Naruto was quick to ask before the team could exit the room.

Kurenai gave a quick look over her shoulder as she asked with a smile "Your team jonin teacher is Kakashi right"

"Yes, Iruka sensei said that name"

"Than don't worry he will be arriving at one or two hour. You know sometimes he got lost in the way of his life or sometimes a black cat croos his way that he arrived late at everything"


Did i mention that sasuke and hinata real love story will start after the war, i mean i was just adding a little bit of interactions between them in their childhood for the story plot.

Anyway thank you for reading

see ya

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