21-Full of Stress

Start from the beginning

"Nah, I'm okay but thank you bubs," she says with a smile. I end up laughing when she almost trips as she continues to walk backward, now glaring at me.

"Also, Ashton's going to ride with you. We agreed on it so he can have a little time with you." Andrew smiles and nods to me. I'm just glad they agreed on an answer, knowing I couldn't choose. Ashton squeezes my hand and I smile once again, looking up at him. I then look back towards Scar, just in time to fall on her ass, realizing we're at the doors when I see she tripped over the metal lump on the ground, her ass on the pavement. I burst out laughing, feeling myself wheeze for air.

"I told you a million times to not walk backward Scar, you deserved that!" I say to her once I catch my breath, she glares at me as she pushed herself off the floor.

"Yeah yeah yeah," she says as she dusts her butt off. I smile and shake my head at her as the twins and I walk to the cars and Scar splits from up, starting her walk home. Usually, when she gets out of sight of humans, she speed-runs so she can get home pretty quickly to be fair.

Once we reach the cars, Ashton climbs into the passenger side of my car, throwing my backpack into the back seat. Andrew then kisses my head and climbs into the driver's seat in their car, "drive carefully," he says as he closes the door. I nod and climb into the driver's seat, closing the door. I start the car and buckle up before Ashton's hand lands on my thigh. When we finally get on the road, there's a moment of silence that I decide to break since we still have a little while till we get to the house.

"Do you want to learn more about each other? I'll start and then you answer the thing I do?" I suggest, which puts a smile on his face before he nods. We still have yet to do this so this is the perfect time to.

I decide to tell him most of what I have told Andrew. "I'm 17. My full name is Matthew Jamerson Brown, I had one sibling. I love animals and kids, I also love cooking and baking, it helps calm my nerves sometimes. I love writing, coloring, and talking, when I'm close to someone I can be a chatterbox. I obviously have age regression and absolutely love attention, I also love my head getting scratched and my hair getting played with, collars. I'm obviously a Neko but fun fact, I'm smaller than most Nekos! I get attached easily and I'm very possessive. I can get very clingy. I'm also even rarer than other Nekos because I can get pregnant. Not all Nekos can get pregnant, every 1/80 male Nekos can get pregnant." I giggle as I see him with a shocked expression from the corner of my eye, fond mixed into his eyes.

"Really? We have the rarest mate in the world?" I smile and nod at him, taking a right down the street, and following Andrew. "Wow," he silently says, amazed.

I giggle once again, eyes staying on the road when I playfully say, "wellll?" To get him to answer to which he shakes his head and blinks.

"Oh, uh. I'm 18, my full name is Ashton Liam Spade. I got my middle name from my dad(Hayden). I have two siblings, I also love kids and want animals, even though I'm a little allergic. I love spending time with family and you. I love cuddling, hanging around, and cooking. I also love running and basketball. I like my hair being messed with but I like messing with yours a lot more, especially when you purr. Uhm, I am obviously one of the future Alphas. I too am very possessive and very protective over what's mine." He says making me smile.

"I love you, Ash," I say with a huge grin. He squeezes my thigh as I pull into the driveway.

"I love you too, Kitten."


We have been home for about two hours now and today, to add to my stress, has been the chosen day for the pack meeting. Guess who's, officially, meeting the pack. That's right, it's me!

What going to happen? They all now know that a Neko is both the Alpha's mate and the future Luna... Fuck.

"I guess this is a good idea because Im going to be Luna one day. I'm just very scared guys. They know I'm a Neko, what if they hate me?" I ask nervously, pacing the room as I bite my lip. My mates are sitting on one of the couches and the others are on the second couch, Estella is in her room since they sent her off when they saw an anxiety attack starting.

"They aren't going to hate you, nobody could ever hate you kitten," Ashton says calmly, attempting to calm me down.

"BabyBoy, please sit down and just breathe. They are going to love you!" Andrew takes a swing at calming me down.

Me, still nervously pacing, I reply, "what if they don't? What if they hate that I'm a Neko? What if they try to attack me? Should I go shower? Im going to go shower." I start to the stair but am stopped when a hand grabs my elbow and I'm being pulled into a body. Ashton. Its Ashton.

I wrap my arms around his waist and let my tears and sobs, I have bottled up all day today, out. "Baby, it's going to be okay. I promise. They are going to love you and if this goes south, which more than likely won't, Dad, Father, Andrew and I are going to be there to protect you, Darling. No matter what happens, it's all going to be okay." Ashton says to me, rubbing my back with one hand, and my head with his other. I just cry and listen to the sound of his heart, which I recently found out calms me down for both of them. Hayden and Hunter also taught them how to release calming pheromones, though they have to limit the amount or it can make me pass out from the strength of the scent.

"Also, if it eases you any, Hayden and I went and talked to the pack the day after you ran out. They all seemed antsy about meeting you and actually thought it was cool that you're a Neko. Some of them even said, and I quote, 'He's a Neko! I have never seen one, when can I meet him? Is he okay with wolves? Is he okay? It's dangerous out there for nekos.'" Hunter says, making my head rise and look up at him.

"Really? I ask, hoping that was true because I hope they don't try to munch on me for lunch. Hunter nods his head yead, Hayden joining in with a smile and nods. I then take a deep breath and smile lightly, "okay... Thank you."

"Okay baby, let's go sit in the tub for a little while before we go, I know it eases your nerves and that's what you need," Andrew suggests to me and I, of course, nod my head in agreement.

"Yes please," I say with a small smile and I start up the stairs, the twins shortly behind me. "See you three in a bit," I say, turning to the twin's parents with a smile before continuing up the stairs.

We get to the top of the stairs and start down the hall before hearing giggles coming from Estella's room. I smile and look at the twins, pulling a pout, "pleaseee, I want to see her for just a moment!" I please and give them puppy-dog eyes making them sigh and agree. "Yay!" I say before hurrying into Estella's room as the twins chuckle and slowly trail behind me.

"Hi, Princess!" I say and hug her.

"M!" She shouts and hugs me back, squealing and giggling.

"I wanted to come to say hu since I haven't seen you today Hunny. We're going to go bathe and get ready for a meeting in a minute," I say with a tiny pout and she just hugs me tighter.

"It's otay! Please come see me after!" She asks and I smile before tickling her. She immediately falls back and giggles as I hold her up with one of my forearms.

"I promise!" I say back, a big smile on my face and a smile now forming on the twins' faces. 

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