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"Jungkook it's time to get up buddy- LOCK THE DOOR." Yoongi yells, his hand covers his eyes. Jungkook doesn't seem embarrassed, he takes the picture real quick and puts his boxers back on.

You see, these couple of weeks Jungkook and Namjoon been sending pictures back and forth. The two young men haven't though of it as a bad thing, no they thought as normal people talking that it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

It was bad as it seemed.

Yoongi knew Jungkook was talking to the Kim but he didn't know it was this far, this sexual.

Jin gonna kill you

After a while Jungkook came down from breakfast, his gray sweatpants hanging low from his hips, his shirt goes up as he stretches.

"Kook did you want eggs today?" Hoseok asks when he makes his plate. Jungkook shakes his head and goes to his spot at the table. The cups at the center looked a little messed up which makes jungkook feel uneasy.

"T-The cups." His voice high a little he points at the cups and Seokjin takes it as a hint and looks over. He nods and grabs it and goes in the kitchen. A few minutes later he comes back with a different cup, the same color though and sets it down with the other cup. Jungkook nods feeling better and eats his breakfast.

"Hyung." Yoongi mumbles when he noticed that Jungkook isn't listening.

"Did you..Did you talk to him about sex yet?" The question throws off Seokjin. I mean, Seokjin knew Jungkook known the basics but that's from what Hoseok told him. He never thought he'll have to each him anything outside that.

He wasn't sexually active...was he?

"Uhh he knows the basics..why?" Seokjin puts his chopstick down looking down at the brown haired male. Yoongi looks everywhere but Seokjin. That makes the older nervous.

"What the fuck did he do Yoongi." Hoseok finally speaks up after he notices the conversation take a turn.

"Taking pictures..he's taking pictures." That's all it took for Seokjin to stand up from the table. The sound scares Jungkook when he looks up from his spot. Hoseok watches as Seokjin walks out the room, a slam is heard making the men at the table jump.

"We just gonna let him breathe of right now, hey kookie go and get ready so we can go watch the ducks at the pond." Hoseok says as he grabs his cup of coffee. Jungkook nods and grabs his plate and goes in the kitchen.
Taehyung walks along the edge of the side wall, trying to balance himself. He watches as Jimin kicks rocks in front of him as they walk. Jimin was calmer today then he has been, the doctor giving him a higher dose since the last medicine wasn't working so well.

He didn't make him feel sick

As for Taehyung he still had to check his blood sugar every day. More and more would he eat making him light headed. Working at the cafe he didn't have that much time since Namjoon took his break a few days ago.

"Hey tae did I leave my jacket at your house?" Jimin asks when they sit down after a while. Taehyung does a simple nod pulling his black hood over his face as the wind blows.

It was colder today then it been the pass couple of weeks in Korea, which makes Namjoon stay in the house more then before.

"When's your next off day?" The now brown haired male asks. Jimin shrugs and runs his hands through his now blonde hair. It shows off his forehead a bit before it falls down on his forehead.

"Maybe Friday why?" His voice low when he turns his head watching the kids giggle at the ducks feeding them.

"Movie night?" Taehyung eye brows go up when Jimin looks at him. He nods and runs his hands down his gray sweatpants.

I love a boy with asperger syndrome {Jungkook} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now