Chapter four

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^^^^^^zach's picture^^^^^^

I walked around California ignoring Sydney's calls for a month now since I left Canada and decided to come back and live with Zach again.

Zach was my room mate during college. a rich kid who's parents gave him an apartment to rent and a job and when I arrived he asked me if I needed a place to stay and after that we became friends.

Though Zach is gay he didn't care who he had sex with which made me wonder if he was really gay or not. I have to admit one time junior year in college I was upset about Shawn dumping me how I wasn't enough for him and he was mad about how he thought he wasn't great either. so we hooked up and that was the only time it happened. yes we did things here and there when we needed it but nothing serious.

As I arrived at the apartment I seen Zach was home. I got out of zach's car he gave me and carried in some bags of groceries. " I'm back" I yelled through the house as I stumbled taking my shoes off. "Zach the store didn't have the-" I cut myself off once I seen justin standing in the kitchen with zach. i clenched my jaw.

"I'll leave you two alone" Zach said and walked down to his room. "hi bieber" I said while placing ye food where it went "Sydney's been trying to contact you" is all he says and I nodded "I know I've been... busy" he chuckled "Amy we know this not true." I turned around "so why are u here" I asked a little annoyed "I came to get you to take you back to Canada for the wedding" I dat down "oh um im busy. besides you can't make me go" he sat beside me "why is it I feel u don't want to go? I don't want you to feel I'm taking her from you" I shook my head "no I do but I don't want to be in the wedding. I don't like it, it makes me nervous" I lied and he nodded "well I'll tell syd she will understand" he stood up smiling "now go get your stuff, we're flying" he said kissing the top of my head . I then I went to my room and packed thinking of how this is going to end while o spend time with him.

"Hey" zack said while sticking his was into my room and shitting the door. "so your leaving?" He asked and I nodded "I have to see her get married" I said "even though you don't want to" I nodded and he helped me pack. "you love him" he yelled in a whisper "does he know" and I shook my head "oh Hun.. you should tell him" I shook my head "no he's marrying my best friend and its just... I've liked him for years and I've had to hide it... I'm not- I won't ruin them" he hugged me and caressed my back "how about this.. you take my car, the Range Rover, and drive to Canada. okay" I shook head "I don't know Zach I-" he cut me off "take my car and try... try to tell him.. bring up some things from your alls past and give him hints until it's the last day your together... then tell him. it gives him a chance to take it all in." I nodded and hugged him "thank you" he laughed "no problem now do u want me to fuck you before you leave or" I got his shoulder "I'm kidding " his hands were up in defense, we laughed and he helped me to the living room where justin was.

"Hey bieber" he turned around "how would you like to take a small road trip instead of taking a plane ride" I asked while dangling the keys infront of him. "what car? Who's car for that matter" he asked as we walked out "Range Rover and one of zachs" he nodded and yelled "I call shot gun" and ran "hey that's not fair" I said running after him.

The heart wants what it wants.(justin Bieber story)Where stories live. Discover now