He glanced back at the room behind him, going back means meeting that woman head-on. Oh to hell with it all! Reluctantly, Mono placed his foot on the wooden plank, then one light step after the other he made it halfway, trying as hard as he could to not look down. Eventually, that feeling overpowered him, his eyes slipped downwards. OH BOY, that too high! Below him was a dumpster filled with black bags and a few dolls with missing limbs and smashed heads, it appears that Six had recently fought them off here too, as one doll down there was missing half its body as it struggled and crawled through the bags.

Mono quickly tore his eye away as soon as the world started spinning around him. The plank creaked under him, and he froze. His legs won't move, it's like they weren't there at all. The wood cracked and splinters fell. RUN YOU MORON! Mono bolted towards the window, his hands stretched in front of him. The plank split in half, and Mono felt the surface beneath him falling. He screamed and leaped into the air. He gripped the sill by only a hair's breadth. His breath escaped in heavy gasps. He reached with his other hand to grab the edge, then with great effort, he managed to lift himself to safety.

huffing erratically, Mono slipped one last glance downwards and swallowed hard, I gotta stop doing this...

He followed the trail of porcelain shards scattered on the floor. It led him through more hallways, more narrow gaps, and past many more ransacked classrooms. Until he found what he was looking for, and he didn't like the sight of it. Not one bit. Over there, in the middle of the hall, tied to a wooden beam, was Six. 

Mono's breath stuck in his throat when he saw her battered and bleeding, he felt his heart shatter into a thousand pieces, W-What did they do to you? Her black hair fell over her face, hiding her seemingly pained expression. Blood fell from her forehead and trickled down to her cheek. Her legs had new cuts and bruises after being shoved and dragged against the rough surface of so long. 

"S-Six?" The words nearly escaped his lips. Her head moved slightly upwards, then fell back down. Mono felt tears stinging his eyes as his chest became heavy with guilt. "Six!" he called again, louder. But despite that, his voice was still a whisper.

She made a small pained sound as she lifted her head up once more. Her hair fell back, revealing her face. One eye was pressed shut, while the other went wide open the moment she saw him. Her lips quivered, muttering tiny 'Ha's as tears trickled out of one eye.


"I finally found you!" Mono said, and Six's lips pulled into a pained smile, but that smile quickly disappeared as Mono began to approach her. She shook her head left and right anxiously, "Don't worry. It's alright, I'm here now. I'm gonna get you out of this... nothing will ever hurt you again..." He said as he kept heading towards her.

"STOP!" She cried, her eye twitching with fear. Six's voice froze him stiff, she gestured with her head upwards. Mono looked at the ceiling and saw a bulky chunk of wood just above where Six was, and tied to its lower part, were sets of razor-sharp kitchen knives.

The floorboards... Mono felt sweat sliding down his spine, shilling him to the blood. One misstep and she's dead. What scared him the most, was that the floorboards were perfectly aligned, not a single plank was out of place. At this point, anything could spring the trap, "Alright... I'll figure something out..." he said, in a reassuring tone. "Just hang in there a little longer, okay?"

Six bit her lower lip and nodded slowly. Mono looked around for a moment, searching the corners and glancing under the lockers, and while he was at it something creaked under his foot. The sound of mechanism echoed all around them, making dust fall from the ceiling. Mono gasped.

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