Chapter 50 Gu Xiujue⑨ The Beast and Ami ABO

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To be honest, this picture is very eye-catching.

Female writers write books, they always write the male protagonist as handsome and charming, and he can conquer the galaxy with his face alone.

Gu Xiujie's face can be regarded as the best of the best, coupled with the figure that ordinary people can't conquer, he exudes a haughty breath that can be seen from a distance.

The fact is really like this, arrogant and calm?

Li Dong didn't believe it. He walked behind the male lead. He was not tall enough for the opponent. It was a flaw. At this time, he could not pick him up and throw him on the bed, his arm would break; he could not slam past the wall because he was not tall enough; Push down directly, because if the opponent doesn't cooperate, you can't push.

But he can't do nothing, he still has a lot to do.

Gu Xiujue: "Chu..." His move of making the bed stopped abruptly, and his palms changed to support: "..." Omega's actions behind him made him uncomfortable, only to be a mermaid.

"..." Li Dong was also taken aback.

He just guessed that the male protagonist might have something to it, but he didn't expect that it was not a small river, but the ebb and flow of the sea.

Men are all sensory animals, and Li Dong is a full-fledged man.

However, he has experienced so much, and he is not a young virgin, he has to be emotional. He found that the male protagonist was flooding, and he just smiled kindly, which is normal.

Gu Xiujie: "Don't do this." He said, insisting on making the bed, and then turning to face Omega who teased him: "Okay, you can tell me if you need anything else."

"Thank you, I have no intention to offend you." Li Dong leaned over to the male lead. He looked straight at the male lead and said: "But we are engaged, it is not too much to kiss?" After that, he closed. Go up and tap the male lead's lips.

"!!!" Gu Xiujie pursed his lips, his eyes that belonged to the big cat instantly narrowed.

It's like a cat sucking catnip, wanting to get up and begging for a kiss and petting!

"Then I'm going to bed." Li Dong left the male protagonist who had been smashed by himself, he lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed to go to sleep.

But if there is a seemingly non-existent Beta smell in the room, it really makes people want to sleep well.

This is the end of the matter, Li Dong is a bit annoyed by this boring male lead, a dignified man in his twenties, who wants to do whatever he wants, what's the embarrassment to admit?

He couldn't sleep, opened his eyes and looked at Gu Xiujie and said, "You must either go out or come up to sleep with me."

Gu Xiu never stood there uncomfortably thinking about it for three seconds. He said, "I won't disturb you. I'll go out."

Then the male lead found that at this moment, taking a step forward was a very difficult thing for him.

He doesn't know if all Betas have experienced such a situation. A certain place that usually has no response will one day send a strong signal, desperately clamoring for comfort.

So those who speak out can never get out of this door.

"You stay with me here." Li Dong: "It's so lonely to sleep alone." He said, uncovering the quilt, patted his side and asked Gu Xiujie: "Come here."

Experiencing a Happy Ending With a Scum ShouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin