"I apologize but I cannot find the all details here. I'll have to call the owner to confirm."

"Alright. I'll wait." Dongeui answered. "Is number seventeen available though?"

That center seat was the best place in her opinion. It was stationed relatively away from the main gaming computers where people like Donghyun were playing loudly. Its also just perfectly located not too far that her food could potentially turn cold before it reach her but still far enough that people will not always bump into her chair when they need to leave. Plus, it was near the toilet area.

Over the course of the year since she started coming in the place, she liked to always take that seat. She was even sitting in the very same spot when she won that god-forsaken game.

"Five hundred thousand won?!" Dongeui dropped her chopsticks and stared at her phone for the lastest update of the auction listing she had.

It took her three days to decide if she wanted to push through with keeping the item for herself or really just sell it. But seeing the amount now, she feel elated.

The number had stayed on that amount for a day before someone started increasing the price in cents. Dongeui only expected it to reach not more than one hundred thousand won. And if no one bet on it higher than her base price, she'd cancel it and just use it herself.

However, not a week had gone by and here she was with her phone and her item was the hottest thing in site. Luckily, she only checked on it after coming home from work. Or she might had caused people to stare at her.

"This is crazy," Dongeui refreshed the page, afraid that it was all a misunderstanding and the website might be glitching.

It stayed the same.

"Uwa... who in their right mind spend this much money?" she sighed and picked her chopsticks to continue eating again.

"You're meeting who!?" Dongeui was on the phone with her brother.

She knew Donghyun liked to act like a brat in front of her but as the one who raised her brother, she also knew he's the one who worried the most about her.

"I'm only telling you this so you'd know I'm not home. So, go visit Mom before she raises from her grave and visits your dumb ass herself."

Dongeui ended the call and sipped her iced drink, waiting for the buyer of her auctioned item. When she got the prize details, she spoke with the PC Room owner and she was granted for it to be transferrable. No one said she couldn't sell it.

"Hi, excuse me," a deep but rather quiet voice came from her left. "Are you... perhaps, Kang Dongeui-ssi?"

His tall figure in a baggy gray pullover with matching pants and a beanie caught her attention. But half of his face was mainly covered by a black mask. A surprised look flashed before her face before she was hit by realization why he knew her name, forcing an awkward smile at the male that appeared in front of her.

"Yes. And I assume you're Jeon Bohyuk-ssi?" Dongeui asked as she watched the male took the seat across the table.

"Well, yeah..." he trailed off, pushing his round glasses up his nose before sighing and adding, "Actually, no. I'm Jeon Wonwoo, his brother. I kinda just used his name for... that."

The awkwardness fell between them and all that they could hear were the hushed murmurs of the other customerss in the cafe and the soft music being played for ambiance.

Dongeui shivered inwardly, the tingling sensation of the situation was very unnatural. "Then, I guess, we should proceed with the transfer process. It's just upstairs. Let's go."

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