twas the night before fluff. the fluff never came

Start from the beginning

He was back in a portal, like earlier. He was dumped out on his head into the hands of someone he didn't know.

"Okay we've got one now we just need the other."

Deku tried to wriggle out of the man's grip. He fired off another finger, blowing the man back. He ran in the opposite direction, trying to determine where he was.

He was at the back of the facility, if he could just get to the front-

His thoughts were interupted by a scary monster in front of him. It's skin was a deep obsidian color and it's brain was sticking out from it's awkwardly shaped head.

He skidded to a stop, his breath leaving his lungs as the creature knocked him backwards. The monster continued to advance on him and he continued to retreat. It was working out until it decided it had had enough.

The creature grabbed him and squeezed. He felt his back popping under the pressure. Soon it would be breaking.

He needed to do something and quick.

He had to take a risk. He managed to shift his hand free and and fire a shot at it from the bottom of the hand. It did nothing but stumble backwards a few steps.

It squeezed harder. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't do anything. He was helpless in this situation but if he didn't so something, if someone didnt do something, he would die. He didn't wanna die like this.

"HELP." He screamed, he didn't know what else to do. He wasn't strong enough to beat this by himself yet and if he sacrificed one of his legs, he wouldn't be able to get away if all he did was startle it.

"HELP I CANT DO THIS BY MYSELF." He screamed. The creature squeezed him harder as he screamed, he felt the bones in his upper arm crack.

Soon that would be his ribs, "HELP." He screamed. He could hear someone running towards him but the creature squeezed harder, he felt his other bicep crack, his forearm following soon after.

He saw All Might running towards him, "MIDORIYA MY BOY. STAY CALM. I AM HERE!!" he said in a mighty voice. The Nomu continued to squeeze him and his shoulder popped out of place, he cried out in pain. He could deal with the numbness of broken bones, but his shoulder sent shooting pains down his broken arms.

All might sent a punch at the monster's arm. Midoriya dropped to the ground, landing on his dislocated shoulder.

He yelped in pain as he fell from the height.

"My boy!" All might said, turning his attention to the monster, "I need you to get to the front of the facility. We are trying to get everyone in one place."

"The villains are after someone!" He said, "they're after me and someone else I don't know why! They have portals they might already have the other person." Midoriya yelled through labored breaths.

"Don't worry kid! Everyone is safe at the front. Be careful on your way." All might yelled, "Now go!" He said.

Midoriya nodded and ran towards the front, his arms loosely handing. Every step sent a throbbing pain in his shoulder and through his arms, but he pushed through.

He managed to get to the rest of the group safely, he scanned the crowd, searching for each of his classmate's. Everyone was there, except one. Except for Iida.

He whipped his head backward, scanning the facility for him. He was nowhere to be seen.

He looked to Aizawa, who was sitting on the ground, his face bloodied, his shoulder leaning on Tsu, seemingly unconcious. His heart dropped.

He was being pummelled with questions, everyone was worried about his arms. He had two questions.

"Wheres Iida?" He asked.

"He went to get heroes!" Ururaka said worriedly. Everyone's eyes were on the battle between the monster and All might towards the back middle of the facility.

"What happened to Mr. Aizawa? Is he gonna be okay?" There was a level of concern in his voice that surprised some of the class. They had no idea what Mr. Aizawa had helped him through.

It was devastating to see him injured like this.

Tsu spoke up, "after we landed you got teleported somewhere and a guy with a hand on his face came up to us. He said his name was Shigaraki, and he tried to use his quirk on me. Aizawa got tangled up with that monster thing the villain called a Nomu and he saved me."

"He's gonna be okay, don't worry!" Ururaka said, trying to keep the group calm. She was good at it.

She went to pat his shoulder absentmindedly, but paused when she saw his extremely mangled arms.

"Deku what happened to your arms!?" She said, horrified.

His arms were quite a sight. They were twisted in awkward ways from the unwavering grip of the Nomu, and his shoulder was dislocated. It hurt like hell.

"I got tangled up with the Nomu. All Might saved me."

And as he said that, they all saw the Nomu go flying through the domed roof of the USJ. it was over. They were safe.

The villains retreated.

The adrenaline and shock coursing through Deku's body were starting to wear off. He took a deep shaky breath as the pain increased.

"I need to sit down." He said, mostly to himself. Todoroki heard this and walked over, "heros'll be here soon." He said, helping him sit down.

"God it hurts so bad." He said shakily, his eyes wide and alert. He didn't know what good crying was going to do for the pain, but it was so hard to hold it back. Usually he was passed out by now so he never really had to deal with the climax of his injuries.

Todoroki rubbed his back, "help'll be here soon."

A cry got cought in his throat. He couldn't move he couldn't readjust. It was so painful it was the only thing he could think about.

"Take deep breaths." Todoroki said. He did, he took deep shaky breaths as tears overflowed from his eyes. He was handling it exceptionally well. Most people would've lost it by now.

"It just keeps getting worse." He said, forcing out a laugh, trying to keep everyone from thinking he was in too much pain. He didn't want a bunch of attention on him. Todoroki just looked at him with concern.

And then the heroes got there, midoriya was put on painkillers immediately until they could get to a hospital.

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