◖ Insecure ◗ A.T.

Start from the beginning

You were short, but you had thick ass. However, that didn't satisfy you. This fact couldn't convince your heart that you were actually good enough for Aoi.

You were merely lacking a few centimeter in the term of height.

Your whole being started shaking lightly. You hugged yourself, feeling insecured of your own body shape and height. You didn't think you were suitable for Aoi. You didn't fit any of his types.

Probably, Aoi dated solely dated you out of pity.

That thought saddened you so much that you unconsciously shed tears. Putting on your clothes again, you listlessly trudged back to your bed. You positioned yourself to sit down before craddling your legs close to your chest.

I'm so short. I don't fit his criteria at all. He won't be satisfied. Because I'm imperfect.

I know how he feels about me. Aoi love me nontheless!

Oh, hell no. I don't think so. He just dated me out of pity.

If that is true, he won't stay with me for a year straight. He would already dump me! The fact that he stays with me till now prove he loves me dearly!

It is because he doesn't know how to dump me "kindly". After all, I'm such a damn sensitive woman.

As sensitive as I am, Aoi still accepts me for who I am. I don't need to be 'perfect'. I just need to be me...

Mhm, keep thinking like that and before I know it, Aoi will leave me. After all, I'm boring. I'm not pretty like that Takada-chan.

T...that is not true... I'm beautiful no matter how I look... right?

You were internally fighting with your damn insecurities trying to bring you down. You were breaking as more tears flowed down your cheeks.

...maybe... I shouldn't be together with Aoi...

Aoi is cool, amazing, strong and confident. Very contrasting with me.

I'm nothing compared to him.

You were really on the verge of giving up. You were tired of these insecurities building up inside you.

Without you noticing, Aoi had been knocking on your door for a few times. Yet, no answer was given. The boy grew concerned of your well-being. He actually noticed you looked a bit upset earlier.

Not wanting to wait any longer, Aoi shuffled the knob and pushed the door open. He was horrified to catch you crying on your bed. You were sniffling while your body was badly shivering.

The moment you heard the door opened, you raised your head up. How flabbergasted you were to find Aoi standing under the doorframe.

"A-Aoi—" You choked on your breath due to profuse crying. Aoi widened his eyes in worry.

"(Y/n)?! What happened to you, my lady?!" Aoi closed the door behind him before jogging over to your bed. He gestured you to come closer to him, one arm wrapped your shoulders while his other hand stroked your hair. You weeped sorrowfully in his gentle hug.


"Don't worry. I'm here for you. Just tell me anything you want to let out, (Y/n)."

"...do you love me...?"

"My lady, of course I love you with all my heart!"

"E-even though I'm not tall and beautiful like Takada-chan...? Even if I don't fit the criteria of your dream girl?"

Your question caused Aoi to fall into deep silence. He looked at you and you looked at him with your teary eyes. You were trying your hardest to decrease your sobbing.

So she has been worrying about that- IDIOT ME! Why have I not noticed at all?!

The grade-1 sorcerer was mad at himself for not being observant enough. Although he knew girls better than his other friends, he still failed at noticing your struggles. He gripped your shoulders firmly yet gently, his gaze hard with sincerity,

"I have always loved you for who you are!"

"I never wanted a you for your body, but I wanted you because of you!"

"Either you are tall or short, chubby or skinny, I will still adore you."

"Because you are already amazing in my eyes."

Aoi cupped your face and brushed off the tears staining your cheeks. He was smiling kindly, the most beautiful smile you had ever witnessed. Your heart skipped a beat upon hearing his honest words.

He is such a sweetheart. How stupid of me to think he is only pitying me. Obviously, Aoi loves me from the very beginning!

You could feel the insecurity slowly leaving your body. Yet, the aftereffect was affecting your mind and emotional state. You just knew this would happen again in the future. You, struggling to believe in yourself.

Aware of your remaining sadness, Aoi immediately thought of a way to convince you. His hand instinctively moved to your hips, gripping you with slight roughness.

Startled by his touch, you gazed at his face. Aoi leaned closer to you before pressing a tender kiss on your forehead. "Shall I prove how much I love you, (Y/n)?"

You didn't know why, but his sentence made you speechless. You wanted to speak, but your voice wouldn't come out. Your cheeks heated up all of a sudden.

"Aoi... I love you. I love you..."

You were at loss of words. You could only surge forward to hug Aoi. You couldn't choose the proper answer to respond to him. All you knew was you loved him so much. You didn't want him to leave you.

Aoi also felt the same way.

In the end, Aoi managed to convince you on how amazing you were from the very start.

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