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"How could you say that Corinne?" Alex asked before pulling away from her, Corinne felt her heart racing and shook her head before pushing past him. She noticed Erik and Raven talking to each other and Erik suddenly caught her gaze, "Corinne," he whispered, "Embrace who you are, you can fight them," he said with a nod. Corinne stared at him and quickly sighed before shaking her head and forming a forcefield, she closed her eyes, crossing her legs she floated in the air. 

"Embrace who I am," she muttered softly, "Who am I though?" she whispered before suddenly feeling the familiar chill, she felt her spine shiver. "Carter, what are you doing here?" she asked curiously, "Are you the one behind this?" she whispered. No, he isn't. But he is important. He is your brother. "So you know who he is," Corinne muttered finally, "He's apart of you right? That's how I got some of his abilities right?" she asked curiously. 

You're smart Corinne. Corinne frowned and nodded, "Who are you?" she asked quickly, "Aren't you going to tell me why you're controlling me?" Corinne muttered angrily, "You have no right!" she shouted, "This isn't right, how are you even doing that? This is my body, my soul, my mind you can't just change how I feel all the time, I'm sick and tired of it!" she snapped before her forcefield broke causing her to have scratches all over her. 

Corinne frowned as she heard the voice again. You know who I am, or you know who I know. Don't you? Corinne bit her lip and stared at the ground thoughtfully, "You know Carter?" she asked curiously before staring past the trees, past Alex, past the others. "Carter did this on purpose didn't he?" she whispered, "He killed Abigail's family, lured me to Berlin because he knew Apocalypse would be there right?" she asked quickly. 

She watched as Carter phased in front of her and he smirked, "How did you find out?" he asked curiously. Corinne sighed, "Why are you doing this? You made me look like a freak," she whispered confused. Carter sighed and grinned before snapping his fingers, the scenery changed and they were back at their old house. Corinne frowned confused, "What are we doing here?" she asked curiously. 

Carter smiled, "This is where your powers manifested," he said before looking around, "And that- is who we're looking for," Corinne broke her forcefield and stared at the dining table in disbelief, sitting there was her father. She placed her hand on her mouth and she shook her head, "This is an illusion right?" she asked, Carter stared at her innocently and Corinne sighed before walking towards the table, "You were the voice in my head, I thought I recognized it," she whispered, "Why are you turning against everyone else?" she asked. 

Her father, who still looked around her age stared at her evenly, "My Corinne, you truly still don't understand don't you?" he asked before beckoning her to sit next to him. Corinne shook her head and frowned, "I don't care, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be dead?" she asked suspiciously. Carter stared at her and sighed before walking towards their father, "No, he's been alive for a while Corinne," he said. Corinne felt her heart drop before she frowned, "But we saw him get killed!" she whispered. 

"You're so gullible Corinne," Carter said with a laugh, "It was all a plan, everything," he muttered, "The fire, his death, all for your powers Corinne and now that you are your true self you can rise like you were meant to," Carter said confidently. Corinne frowned and shook her head before feeling tears in her eyes, "You guys lied to me?" she whispered in shock. "Why would- why would you do that?" she shouted, "Is my whole life a lie?" 

Corinne stared at her father who gave her a worried look, "Don't pretend you care! I hate you!" she shouted before slapping his face angrily. "You- both of you lied!" she screamed as tears streamed down her face. "I hate you, what is the fucking point of doing this, just so you can use me?" she cried before looking at her brother. Carter stared at her and shook his head, "No, no, we were hoping you'd help us," he said quickly, "Don't be upset Coco, we did this for you," 

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