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Corinne walked through the hallways and followed Charles into the little shelter Hank made, she sighed and opened the door to see Alex who was sitting against the wall, head down. She looked back at Charles and shook her head before she walked inside. She frowned, "Are you okay?" she asked slowly before closing the door and approaching him. Alex didn't answer, she then stepped closer. "Go away," he muttered angrily, Corinne blinked surprised and sat next to him. "Go away!" he repeated.

She flinched and didn't get up, why was he upset? Was there a reason he could be? She sat there thoughtfully and frowned. "Alex, you don't have to be afraid," she whispered gently before touching his arm lightly. Corinne could feel that he was shaking, was he crying? "I told you to go away Corinne," he finally looked up and Corinne noticed his face was red and there were tears in his eyes. "I won't," she whispered. "Come on Alex, we're friends remember?" she asked softly.

Alex ignored her and looked away, Corinne sighed and moved to sit closer to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "I care about you a lot Alex, I love you, you mean a lot to me." she muttered. He didn't answer, she frowned. Corinne could feel his heart beat, and it was beating rather quickly. "Is it because of your ability?" she asked curiously, "Because if it is I understand how it feels to have an ability you have no control over," she said, "Alex, I lost my family because of my ability,"

There was a moment of silence and Corinne was about to give up but felt Alex grab onto her arm, "I'm sorry," he muttered, "About your family, and I'm sorry, for acting like this, I just-" he said, "This ability, it's so frustrating to get it right," Corinne looked back at Alex and sat back down before smiling weakly. "I promise, you will get to control it one day, you'll see it as a gift, not a curse," she whispered. She could feel her cheeks redden, why did he have to look at her that way, "You're so cute," she whispered under her breath, she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

"Thanks?" he said before smiling, Corinne looked away embarrassed and Alex sighed, "You're just saying that, aren't you?" he muttered. Corinne blinked and frowned, "What do you mean?" she asked curiously, "Of course I mean it Alex, you're awesome!" she grinned. He rolled his eyes before standing up, Corinne stood up with him and he looked back at her, "Did you really mean what you said?" he asked curiously.

Corinne paused for a moment and looked at Alex for awhile before nodding, "Every word," she whispered, Alex stared at her, his eyes shone with emotion. Corinne could feel her heart racing, was this how it felt? To have a friend? No, no not a friend but- a crush? She felt her cheeks warm up and she smiled. He then blinked and quickly looked away, "I'm touched," he muttered before patting her shoulder lightly and walking past her. Corinne sighed with relief before following him.

She opened her mouth, just tell him! "Alex!" she called out, he turned around and stared at her curiously, she could hear her heart beating loudly. Corinne then shook her head, "Nothing," she muttered, Alex frowned before shrugging and turning back to leave the shelter. "Wait!" she shouted before he reached the door. He turned back, Corinne bit her lip, just say it! And everything will be over, "I need to tell you some-" the door then opened and Corinne shut her mouth immediately.

"Can I come in?" she recognized Charles' voice, Alex stared at Corinne before shaking his head confused and letting Charles enter the room. Corinne blinked and looked at the ground before waving goodbye, Charles laughed and Corinne frowned confused. "You can stay here if you want Corinne," he said with a smile. "You know you want to," he teased. Corinne stared back at Charles and blushed in embarrassment, he could read her mind.

She looked away and laughed awkwardly, "Oh no, I'm fine Charles," she muttered before quickly leaving the room. Corinne sighed in relief before noticing Hank, she frowned, "What are you doing here?" she asked curiously. He was holding this odd suit thing, Hank looked at it before looking back at Corinne. "It's for Alex," Hank muttered unpleasantly, "What are you doing here?" he asked confused. "Do you wanna watch?" he asked curiously.

Corinne blinked, "I mean, I don't have anything else to do," she muttered before following inside. She caught Alex's gaze and quickly looked away, she felt her heart beating quickly and she turned away. Why did he make her feel this way? "Corinne?" a voice said interrupting her thoughts, she looked up and could tell her face was red. She stared at Charles before looking at Hank who gave her an odd look. "Right, yeah," she closed the door and watched as Hank and Charles place dummies, she sat on the ground and quickly placed her hands in her hoodie pocket.

She took out an arrow and quickly started to make it float in the air, Corinne then realized Alex was looking at her. She stared back and stared at him curiously, "Are you gonna go?" she asked before looking at the dummies. "You know you can't hurt me," she muttered. Alex frowned and shook his head, "I don't want to take that risk," he said softly. Corinne raised her eyebrows and stood up and quickly walked towards him. "You can't hurt me," she whispered before staring at him softly.

Alex then grabbed the arrow from her hand and shook his head, "I know, but what if something happens like last time?" he asked, "I don't want to hurt you again," he muttered. Corinne blinked and shook her head before looking away as he started to stare at her. He then brushed a stray strand of her hair, she rolled her eyes. "You won't," she muttered before taking the arrow from him. She quickly shot it at the dummy and stared back at him, "Your turn," she whispered before walking behind him. 

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