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"Stupid stairs," Corinne muttered as she walked through the hallways of Charles' school. She sighed and grabbed onto the books that had fell onto the ground. "Miss Dane? Can you help me?" a voice said from behind. Corinne turned around to see Kitty, she tilted her head a certain direction and frowned. "I'm busy right now Kitty," Corinne muttered, Kitty shook her head and immediately held onto Corinne's hand before dragging her towards the front of the school. 

Corinne frowned before suddenly catching a familiar gaze, she sighed and immediately looked the other way. She looked at Kitty who shrugged and ran away, "Corinne," she heard Alex say as he followed her, "Corinne, talk to me," he said desperately, Corinne shook her head and suddenly felt him grab onto her arm. She sighed and looked back at him, "I told you we're over Alex," she whispered, "Please, don't make this worse than it already is," Corinne felt her heart racing and she immediately looked away. 

"Rinne," Alex started, Corinne looked back at him and pulled her arm away. She started to walk away and sighed before feeling tears in her eyes. "If we're over you wouldn't still have that ring," he called from behind. Corinne stared at the ring and nodded slowly, "You're right," she started before she sighed. "I wouldn't," she walked towards him and grabbed onto his hand. Corinne looked up and he sighed before staring at her, "You know you still love me," he muttered, "And I know that I still love you too," he said, "So please, just come home," 

Alex gave her a certain look and Corinne intertwined her fingers with his, "I can't," she whispered, "I love you but you can't accept me for what I want," she said gently. He frowned and shook his head slowly, "I know who you are Corinne, I've loved you ever since we met." Alex said softly, "I just want you to accept who you truly are, your beautiful silver hair." he dragged a finger through her hair. "Where did that go? Why are you wearing contacts? Why do you dye your hair?" he asked quickly. "I love you for who you are Corinne, and I don't want to be with someone who's faking their life, pretending to be something they're not," 

Corinne felt tears falling from her face and she shook her head, "You're wrong Alex, I'm not pretending to be something I'm not, I'm trying to fit in. Because in the real world, if you want to be someone, you can't look different, you don't understand the stares, the bullying I got when I was younger." she started, "You don't understand the pain of looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing the ugliest thing in the world," she cried. Alex shook his head and wrapped his arms around her, "No, no, stop," he whispered, "You're beautiful, you're beautiful Corinne, you're perfect." 

"They don't understand," she cried softly, "You don't understand," she whispered as tears streamed down her face. Alex held onto her and puled her close, "Tell me, do you like putting on eye contacts? Do you like dying your hair?" he asked curiously. Corinne shook her head, of course she didn't, it was annoying. "I-No, of course not," she whispered, "I just don't want to-" Alex sighed and brushed her hair lightly with his fingers, "Look different? Corinne, who you truly are, that's what makes you special, that's why I love you, you're not like other people,"

Alex pulled away and frowned, "Please come home," he muttered, "Your daughter misses you," Corinne blinked and looked away, she shook her head and quickly headed outside. She heard Alex following her and she sighed, "I don't want to go back, I'm not- I'm not worth it," she muttered slowly. Alex stopped and Corinne looked back at him, "She'll grow up without knowing who you are, is that what you want?" he asked. "Or do you want to-" Corinne suddenly felt a chill and blinked in surprise. 

"Carter," she whispered before looking around, she saw a sudden flash and out of nowhere, Carter appeared in front of her. His brown eyes glinted, "My my," he muttered, "What do we have here? Lover's quarrel?" he asked curiously. Corinne frowned and shook her head before looking away, why was he here? "Look, I'm not here to cause any trouble but-" he looked at Corinne and sighed, "Alex is right, when was the last time you even used your ability?" Carter asked before staring at her curiously. 

He tapped her shoulder and Corinne felt a wave of pain throughout her body, "Come on, Coco, why don't you fight back?" he asked with a sly smile. Carter gave Alex a look and Alex nodded slowly before stepping aside. Corinne stared at Alex surprised, really? He looked away and she frowned, "Why are you doing this," she muttered before taking the eye contacts off her eyes using her ability. Carter grinned, "I'm helping you Coco," he cracked his knuckles and his eyes glinted again. 

Corinne felt a chill through her spine, and it felt as though she couldn't move anymore. She lifted a finger and quickly made a small barrier around her. She gasped in pain before falling onto her knees, she coughed out blood and wiped her mouth before standing up again. Carter smiled with satisfaction, "Come on Coco! Is that the best you can do?" he snapped angrily. Corinne stared at him in shock, what was he- She opened both her palms and quickly grabbed onto the metal railings, pulling them off she quickly shot a piece at Carter. 

He dodged it and laughed, "That won't work Corinne, show me your true power, show me what you can do!" All of the sudden Corinne watched him raising his fist and aiming for her head, she blinked and grabbed onto his arm. She could feel the chill again but ignored it, she closed her eyes and immediately blasted him onto the ground. Carter landed perfectly before Corinne noticed blood on his chest, she bit her lip and continued. She felt a surge of energy throughout her and she smiled, she raised her arm but suddenly felt like a thousand knives scratched her. Corinne fell onto the ground and blood dripped down from her mouth, her eyes widened in shock. 

"You're weak!" Carter shouted, Corinne closed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief, "You'll always be weak!" he snapped angrily, "Do something about it Corinne!" Corinne cried out in pain and quickly touched the ground. She could feel the ground shaking and she smiled to herself, she caught Alex's gaze and she licked her lips. Corinne quickly looked around and stood up, she stomped the ground making it crack and quickly raised both of her arms to the side before floating in the air. 

Carter stared at her in awe before his eyes gleamed with fear, he winced in pain and Corinne stared at him evenly. She watched as her hair turned white again and her eyes widened with surprise, she dropped onto the ground and Carter sighed before walking towards her. "That's your power Corinne, don't be afraid of it," he started, "You understand? You are a mutant, be proud of yourself for that," he then winked before giving Alex a pat and coughing out blood again. He then rewinded and walked away uninjured, Corinne stared at the ground and sighed before looking at her hands.

"Corinne, are you okay?" Alex asked as he walked towards her, Corinne couldn't believe it, for the first time ever she had fought Carter and not lost. "I'm-I'm fine," she whispered as Alex held onto her arm. "I'm sorry, you were right," she muttered, "I shouldn't change who I am," she looked at Alex who nodded before kissing her forehead lightly. "You're perfect the way you are my love," he whispered, "I love you,"

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