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"You said before you feared what people thought of you Corinne, I will never let-" Corinne suddenly heard a gunshot and watched as it hit Erik's neck, she turned around and faced Raven. Her eyes widened and she shook her head, "Corinne, go!" she shouted, "If you know what's good for you!" Corinne stood up and ran back towards Alex before he wrapped his arms around her. She watched as Raven then turned to Trask, pointing the gun at him. Corinne then looked at Charles who seemed to be talking to her. 

Alex then kissed the side of her head lightly as she looked back at him, "Alex," she whispered before wrapping her arms around him. She looked back at Erik who was laying unconsciously, she then watched as Raven limped away. They stopped it, she sighed with relief, "Alex, we did it!" she smiled softly as tears fell down her face. Alex laughed and they looked at Charles who sighed with relief. She quickly walked towards Erik and took off his helmet, "I'll be taking this for now dear," she whispered under her breath. 

She crushed the helmet into pieces and dropped the pieces onto the ground, "You will no longer harm anyone," she muttered before kneeling down on the ground right next to him. Corinne pulsed his chest lightly and he sat up quickly, "Wh-what?" he said. He looked at Corinne and she stared at him, her eyes flashed with annoyance. "Just leave," she warned, "Don't do anything, if you do, I will kill you, personally," she muttered. 

He winced and held onto his jaw in pain, Alex came up behind her and grabbed onto her hand. "Come on Rinne, we have to go," he muttered. Corinne looked back at Erik regretfully and slowly nodded, "Go ahead Alex, I'll be right behind you," she said as Alex walked away, she stared at Erik and sighed. "You might think I'm betraying you Erik but I'm not, I believe in your faith, but killing people is not how I'm going to do it," she muttered. 

Erik scoffed, Corinne blinked and quickly patted his shoulder lightly, "It's your choice Erik, do what you think is right but I'm no longer going to follow what you want to do," she whispered before looking at Alex. "I'm going to do what I think is right, now you do it too," Corinne muttered. Erik nodded and Corinne turned back to follow Alex, she held onto his hand and felt her stomach ache with pain. 

Alex and Corinne walked towards Charles and Hank, "Are you guys alright?" Alex asked before helping Hank up. Hank nodded and was holding Charles up, "Come on, let's go home," he said. Corinne stared at Alex who nodded, and they followed Hank and Charles into the plane. It wasn't their first time doing this, and it wasn't going to be the last. 


"So you're really going back home?" Corinne asked as she and Alex were walking down the field near Charles' mansion- well now school. He stared at her for awhile before nodding, he then stopped walking. Corinne looked back at him curiously, "Why don't you come with me?" he asked, "You can meet my parents, and Scott," he said quickly. Corinne stared at the mansion for awhile and sighed, they had started a school here now, for mutants from all over the world. So far there wasn't that many people but it was growing. 

It was a safe place and it was accepted by the government, so no one could harm them. Why would she want to leave this place? She sighed, "Okay, I'll go," she muttered, "Yeah?" she stared at Alex who grinned. She held onto his hand and smiled, "I love you," she whispered before leaning her head on him. Corinne then pulled away before looking at Alex who stared at her curiously, "I promised I'd help Charles a bit," she said softly. "So I'll see you in maybe a week or so?" she asked. 

Alex frowned and she quickly touched the side of his face gently, she leaned in and kissed him lightly before looking at the ground. "I love you Corinne," he whispered. She nodded and looked away, "I love you too Alex," she muttered before wrapping her arms around him. He patted her back gently and breathed in, "I'll see you in a bit," he said before pulling away. Corinne nodded as he let go of her hand. She watched as he walked away, she turned around and walked the other way. 

"You done?" Corinne looked up from the ground and stared at Hank and nodded. Hank looked behind her and waved before looking back at Corinne. "Where's he going?" Hank asked curiously. Corinne sighed, "Home," she muttered, "I'm going to go visit him in around a week, I'll stay for a bit so I'll probably be back in a month," she said. Hank nodded and sighed before patting her shoulder lightly, "You two have been together for awhile now huh," he muttered, his voice hinting with interest. 

Corinne smiled and nodded, "Yeah, he's a really nice person if you get to know him," she replied, "I mean, you two had your differences but I mean- yeah, he's a good person?" she said. Hank nodded and quickly looked away before adding something, "Should've convinced him to stay, he's a pretty good asset," Hank muttered. Corinne nodded and they stood in silence. 

 "Come on, we're going to see this girl, she goes by Jubilee. Her abilities are some kind of energy blast, she can also hack electronics," Hank said. Corinne held her breath and laughed before looking behind Hank to see Charles wheeling up. "She seems like a handful, where is she?" Corinne asked before Charles nodded at her. 

"Why don't we find out?" he asked before they all went back inside the school, the redesign, the young children walking around to their classes. Corinne then looked up and saw Raven who waved at her, Corinne smiled back. Raven was standing with Jean, who was brought in not too long ago, Jean waved at Corinne and Corinne waved back before following Charles into Cerebro. "Wait, before we do this, can we find out where Logan is?" she asked quickly, Charles gave her an odd-look before frowning, he stared at her and his eyes widened. "Oh Corinne," he muttered in disbelief. 

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