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"Thank god," Corinne heard a voice say, she blinked and opened her eyes to see Alex, his hair had grew a little and he looked much older, she let out a breath of relief and quickly stood up to give him a hug. "Oh my god, Alex," she whispered, "Oh my god, thank- thank-" she stammered, "I can't believe you're here,". Alex wrapped his arms around her and leaned closer towards her, Corinne then winced in pain. She pulled away and looked at the side of her stomach to see bandages, she sighed and looked back at Alex. 

She stared at Alex and smiled gently, "I love you," she whispered before placing her forehead on his. He nodded and grabbed onto her hand, "I know, I was thinking of you the whole time, you should come with me, back home," he muttered. "We'll be safe, and-" Corinne frowned and quickly looked away and he stared at her confused, "And run away Alex? No, I have to fight for what's right," she then looked back at him. "I know you don't want me to risk my life but this is the only way mutants will be accepted, we stop Raven," she said. 

Alex sighed before hugging her, "I love you Rinne," he whispered, he then pulled away, "If you're going, I'm going with you," he said. Corinne nodded and kissed his cheek before standing up, she smiled lightly and let go of his hand. "You're up for this Havok?" she asked grinning. Alex smiled back and nodded, "Always, Burst." he muttered before they walked out of the room. They were met by Logan who stared at them curiously. "We found Raven," he muttered, "Who's this?"

"Alex Summers," Alex said before reaching out his hand, Logan gave him a certain look before shaking his hand. "Logan. Is he Scott's brother? Interesting, you guys look similar. He does great things," Logan said before looking back at Corinne. Alex stared at Logan confused, "My brother?" he asked curiously. "Scott?" he muttered, "Alright, whatever you say," Alex looked away before frowning and rolling his eyes. Corinne looked at Logan and he stared back at her carefully, "It's okay," she mouthed. 

"When are we going?" Alex asked, Corinne stared at him and raised her eyebrow confused. "Now, I suppose, we'll need to stop Raven." she said confidently. They were met by Charles and Hank who nodded before they walked towards the plane, "It's good to see you again Alex," Charles said before patting his shoulder, Corinne noticed Charles was in his wheelchair again. Hank nodded and also patted Alex's shoulder, "Great to see ya buddy," he said. 

As Corinne walked inside she winced and quickly looked at her wound, she sighed and looked at Alex, "I can try to convince Erik if he decides to put on a helmet again," she said quickly. She looked back at Charles who nodded, "Corinne, you are the only one who can stop him, it's whether or not you decide to use your power against him or for him," Charles muttered. Corinne stared at the ground thoughtfully before nodding. 

Alex grabbed onto her hand and squeezed tightly, "You have the power to do anything Rinne, you can do it," he said, "I believe in you and I will be with you the whole time," Corinne nodded and quickly sighed before opening her palms and closing her eyes. The plane flew quicker as she used her abilities to push it further. 


"There's Trask," Corinne whispered as she stood near the back of the celebration, "But where's Raven?" she asked confused. She looked around as she stood with Alex, she then felt someone push through her and she frowned. "Hey watch where you're going you fucking freak!" the man shouted. Corinne held her breath and watched as Alex punched him in the face, "Shut up!" he said annoyed. She pulled him back and stared at him worriedly, "Alex! It's fine," she muttered. 

Alex rolled his eyes and the man spat on the ground in front of them, Corinne sighed before walking away with Alex. She felt his anger and quickly grabbed onto his hand, "It's okay Alex," she whispered, "I'm used to it," He shook his head and they quickly watched as Trask announced the Sentinel Program and how it will change the world. She held her breath as she quickly watched as the Sentinels started to attack, Corinne grabbed onto Alex and pushed him away as bullets shot at the two. 

Corinne blocked the bullets with a shield, "Charles!" she shouted as she saw Trask and everyone running into the White House. She ran to follow them but quickly saw Erik wearing his stupid costume, she stared at him in disbelief as he carried a stadium and placed it around the White House. There was dust floating around everywhere, she made a forcefield around Alex and herself. She looked away and looked for Charles, "Where's Charles?" she asked. Corinne found him and Hank together trapped. 

Erik landed on the ground and she quickly let go of Alex to walk towards him, Logan nodded and ran ahead of her. "Erik!" she shouted as she walked towards him, she watched as Erik fought Logan making metal wires poke into Logan's skin. Corinne stared at him in horror, "Erik stop! You're hurting him, please!" she begged desperately. He scoffed and looked at Corinne angrily, "Stop what?" he lifted Logan into the air and threw him away. "You betrayed me first Corinne!" he shouted furiously. "This is your fault!" Corinne shook her head and felt tears in her eyes, she didn't betray anyone! 

He lifted up a pillar from the side and threw it at her, she crouched down to see Alex blasting it into pieces. "Come on!" he shouted before grabbing onto Corinne's arm. She stood up and ran away with him towards Charles. She raised her arm and lifted the debris off him and quickly went to see Hank, "Is everyone okay?" she called before looking at Charles. Corinne sighed and quickly hid behind a pillar with the others, she watched as Erik lifted something from the White House, making a metal shelter come out.

 He dropped it in the middle of the field and ripped it open, he grabbed all of the guns and Corinne tried to push them away but Alex stopped her. "Not yet," he whispered. Erik turned all the cameras to face him, "You built all these weapons to destroy us, why?" Erik started, "Because you are afraid of our gifts," he said confidently, "Because we are different," he stared at Corinne who looked away. "Humanity has always feared that of which is different," he continued. "But I'm here to tell you, to tell the world, you're right to fear us!" 

Corinne's eyes widened with shock and she quickly moved the debris to the side as she walked towards him. "We are the future!" Erik said, "We are the ones who'll inherit this Earth," he looked at Corinne before looking back at Trask and the others. "And anyone who stands in our way will suffer the same fate these men you see before you," Erik pointed at the president. Corinne felt her heart beating quickly, "Today was meant to display your power, instead I give you a glimpse of devastation my race can unleash upon yours," Erik said. 

She shook her head and fell onto the ground, "Let this be a warning to the world, and to my mutant brothers and sisters out there, I say this." Erik continued, "No more hiding, no more suffering, you have lived in the shadows of shame and fear for too long." he said with confidence. "Come out! Join me! Fight together in a brotherhood of our kind, a new tomorrow, that starts today." he muttered before finally looking back at Corinne. 

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