chapter 29: The big decision

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Paula POV

I woke up chilly to my bones. It rained the night before making the weather unbearably cold. Taking my red knitted sweater off my body so I could take a hot bath. I ran to the bathroom immediately hitting my body with the hot water. Thoughts filled my mind but i couldn't allow it stay for long as I ran out of the bathroom, the cold pierced through the hot water intensely earning a shiver from me. I Wrapped my body with my towel and immediately got dressed in jeans and a big hoodie.

I felt really lazy so I left my hair loosed in her blonde curls. I left the room telling my self that letting my parents know about the pregnancy was the right thing to do.

I left early so I could eat breakfast with my parents. It will make them so happy. Its been so long I visited home. I haven't seen them for so long. Olivia and Clara were still sleeping so I just gently left the apartment. Clara moved in with both Olivia and I because she feels safer that way.

At least that's what she says but I know she just loves the whole girl squad thing. I drove off munching on some chips and I made my trip to my parent. The weather was cold yet soothing.

I arrived and immediately adjusted myself thank God the baby bump wasn't out yet. I rolled my eyes at my condition, unbelievable Paula. The overly ambitious Paula letting a baby in by now___ its pathetic. In fact the circumstances surrounding it is pathetic.

I opened the door smiling at the spear key I owned to their home. My home, I walked up the stairs to their room and let myself into their bedroom. I smiled widely watching them wrapped up in each other arms. It was pure happiness ____ one I pray to have in the future. I wanted to let them sleep but my emotions got the best of me. The tears came flooding I needed my parents. I can't do this, I'm too weak. I immediately got into the bed and parted their arms wrapping myself in them. They were startled but they relaxed and held onto me. I cried my eyes out.

They both just held me, I was their little princess. I'm just twenty-two, a baby? I cried harder but finally my cries turned to little sobs as my mother rubbed circles on my back. They never altered a word only comforted me in the best way.

I finally stopped sobbing and my dad spoke. "Hello, princess it so good to see you" he said grinning. I smiled back nodding.

"What bring you dear?" Mom asked. I loved it when they give me the choice to share with them when I wanted to.

"I just want to eat breakfast with both of you" I sulked. My dad grinned widely and mom immediately jumped from the bed and hurried downstairs to make my favorite I'm sure. Dad pecked me and I excused him so he could freshen up.

I ran downstairs lightly and joined Mom in making breakfast__ soon dad came downstairs all refreshed and so mom left to go freshen up. My dad joined me In the kitchen in the absence of mom. He teased me, I'm really he's little princess you know. He taught me alot of things and at this point in my life I feel like I failed him.

Soon we were all settled at the table eating as we joked about everything and nothing. I felt my heart strain as I watched my parents happy. I didn't know when it slip but it did. "I'm pregnant!" I blurted out shutting me eyes.

My mom choked coughing hysterically. "Oh mom I'm sorry" I rushed to her rubbing her sides. This wasn't the right time! God. I scold myself.

She was okay staring at me. I went back to my chair. I slowly turned to dad____ he was stiff almost like he was told he's mom is dead or something. An uncomfortable silence filled the dinning room.

With every silent moment I felt so anxious my palm was sweating precociously.

"Who is the father?" My mom asked a little bit less shaken up.
I fell silent. How do I tell them its for my ex boss and not look like an office slut?

They didn't even know I quit. I wanted to invite them for my fashion studio opening to surprise them, so they didn't know I already started it.

"Its for Ethan Andreas" I whispered. I know they heard me. In this moment I felt so weak but I wasn't going to let the tears slip. They didn't raise no weak girl.

"And who is that?" My dad asked anger lacing every word.

"H'he is my boss" I let out biting my lower lip. I hope they don't accuse me of being a whore. They know me right?

"When I asked you to go out live a little, get married or get in a relationship I never intended for you to get pregnant nor do I wish for it. Do you know how hard it is to be a single mom?" Mom said looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"I haven't decided to keep it mom" I said lifting my head up to stare at her.

I heard a loud bang on the table. It was dad. Both me and mom were startled. He stood up in he's full height.

"I sit here hearing you are pregnant, slowing your ambitions. Pregnant For your boss! Then you talk of abortion. I can not stand the sight of you. This is not what we taught you Paula Sophia rayes!." He looked at me disappointed.

"It's up to you it has always been your decision. I hope we have raised you better to do what's right." He sat back down and ate his meal like a bomb wasn't just dropped on the family.

" I'm sorry I failed you guys, mom, dad I'm sorry." I struggled to talk as tears blurred my vision. The tears kept pouring. Mom came holding me in her arms rocking me back and forth. I calmed when mom took me to the sitting room with dad sitting across from me and mom.

"Does he know he is the father?" My dad asked. I shook my head. ..

"I don't want him to know. He doesn't deserve to" I said.

Mom lifted my face to hers. " every man deserves to know they are fathers. It's up to you to tell him so he can step up for he's child. So don't fail your child" mom said smiling at me.

Dad sat apart form me throughout lunch and after. I went to my old bedroom. Mom still kept everything intact. I sat down on the floor dragging out my box that held my scrap book and pictures.

I smiled as I saw every design I made as a kid. The names of every of my favorite designer graced the pages of the book. I pulled out my little album that held my baby pictures.

I was a cute baby, I turned the pages and with every turn new fresh tears fell from my eyes. I felt guilty.

I can't believe I though of killing my baby. Look at the joy I brought to my parent. Their beautiful smiles. What if they took me out as a fetus. Why would i even think of taking my baby away. I held my tummy and I felt a wave of guilt. Its okay baby mummy is sorry. Forgive mummy baby.

"Mummy is so sorry" I let out not recognizing my voice. I laid down holding my tummy as tears came down uncontrollably.

There and there I made the big decision of keeping my baby and giving he/she the best of life and that includes the father.

I dragged my phone out of my pocket and called Ethan. It rang twice and he finally took it. "Hey baby girl." He's voice making me dizzy___ and I responded with two words. "I'm pregnant" silence followed. The line went dead and so did my eyes....

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