Chapter 13:Opening day

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Paula POV

I don't know how my body did it but I slept despite the thunderous thoughts that plagued my mind. Last night was everything I never expected and more , it was still wrecking because I was still confused and battered.

I rushed home after the confusing collision with Ethan. My cheeks heat up just thinking of what he did to me last night. I wanted more and it freaked me out! He is engaged for crying out loud. And a total jerk for messing with my head. If he does feel something like he hinted about then he wouldn't still be engaged. I'm so frustrated!

Thanks God Clara was asleep when I arrived yesterday, so I easily told Olivia the story. Don't get me wrong I would tell Clara but it would be so much stress explaining to her from the start. Olivia totally waited for me to arrive. She was however excited, saying he has feelings for me and I got a headstart but I just don't see it. Although she couldn't figure out why he was acting this way towards me, the kid bullied me before. Its clear I'm into him but the possibility of Ethan liking me is absurd.

Rex sister whom I still don't know her name
Seems to have the upper hand in every way tho, she's the one engaged to him.

I sighed getting into my car, I am headed to the mall , the same site me and Ethan had been frequenting to check the construction processes . Well, it has been completed and today we lunch new products and stores in the mall. The week has been hectic and today would be more tiring I just hope I don't get distracted by a certain someone. I speed up diving into the streets of new York.

Ethan POV

"I don't see why we won't lunch the phone today, its your job to get the world enlightened about the phone. I don't care how you do it open the damn store" I said irritated at my advertising team. I was still at home in sweats when they video called me saying the sales will be poor because they didn't get enough positive feedback. I pay them enough to get positive feedback damn it!. I ended the call they should figure it out.

I was in a foul mood this morning , well actually ever since the engagement became official I was up my toes. Regina annoys me to the bone, it was fun in college when we were having flings, as usual I used her as a cover up she's not my type. The red headed pest squeezed her way to my mother's cold heart with her father's wealth and influence ending up a Leech on my skin.

I never opposed to her because she seemed a better choice but then Paula came along and I understood just how dark my life would be without her.

I walked in the bathroom and turned on the shower, I let the warm water hit my skin soothing me. I see her eyes when I shut mine, she makes me loose control every time. And I never loose control. Ever.

I want her so badly I fuck her in my dreams, I want her in my arms to smell her, I almost fucked her yesterday ,my senses went wide seeing her dressed so sexily around so Many people plus with Regina's brother. I have always been a dominant bastard that's how I love, its selfish of me to dictate for her but I couldn't help myself.

She's alluring and smooth, I felt my cock harden under the showers making me sigh in frustration.

Dressed in a maroon fitted suit, I styled my hair and picked up my designer watch and headed down the stairs.

Nanny Dora was setting up the dinning table as I stepped into the dinning area.

"Ethan!" Dolly squealed. I looked at her shocked, she isn't suppose to be here.

"Dolly, why are you here" I asked questioned.

She pouted. "Is that how you'll say hi to your only sister?" She folded her hands on her chest.

He's into Curvy Women (his little secret!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora