Chapter 31: Back on Asgard

Start from the beginning

Loki quickly got up on the horse and offered you his hand smiling. You smiled back and with his help got on the horse and you held on tight to him. Thor and Loki then started riding across the rainbow bridge.

The view was once again breathtaking. Asagrd was for sure the most beautiful place you had ever visited. Suddenly the horse you were riding on started running faster and you immediately held on Loki tighter as he smiled at you. You could feel his heart beating on his chest and yours had been beating on the exact same beat.

A few moments later you arrived in the castle and Loki helped you get down from the horse while Thor got down from his very easily. The three of you then got into the castle and were immediately greeted by Frigga and her big warm smile.

"My boys are back!" She said and hugged both her sons.

"Hello mother." Loki smiled and Frigga smiled back at him.

"Y/n, welcome back too." She then turned to you and gave you a hug. "How are you my darling?"

"I am...good." You hesitated and gave her a half fake smile.

"Loki told me." Frigga approached and held your hand. "Don't worry, you have come to right place."

"Thank you, Frigga." You smiled and hugged her.

"So where is father." Thor finally asked.

"He had some things to do, but he will be on dinner tonight."

When Frigga was speaking you could see Loki rolling his eyes as she talked about Odin. Thor on the other hand had not the same reaction. He most likely was thinking that their father must be very busy these days.

So busy that he couldn't go to greet his own sons. Father of the year!

The three of you stood there and talked with Frigga for a while when you suddenly heard fast footsteps coming towards you. The notice could be heard echoing all around the room. You looked around in confusion and finally narrowed down to where the sound was coming from.

Suddenly you saw Sif coming out of the corner and walking fast towards you. She had a smile on her face and so did you.

During your last visit on Asgard you two had binded quite well and you were really happy to see her again.

"I was so excited to hear you came." She hugged you.

"Lady Sif, are you feeling alright?" Thor asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" She replied with a confused and annoyed look.

"Because you usually are not so..." Thor paused as he couldn't think of the right word.

"Intimate." Loki helped him.

"Or maybe I am, just only with those who deserve it." She said and smiled at you. "Do you want me to help you find your room."

"Yes actually I would love that." You smiled at her and then you both left the room.

You followed Sif through endless corridors inside the palace without saying a word. She seemed like she was in a hurry and you had to increase your speed every five seconds to keep up with her. You didn't quite understand what was going on with her, especially when she was fine a few minutes ago but you decided not to say anything yet.

Finally, after a lot of corridors and many turns inside them you arrived in front of your room. Once you got in your realised it was the same one you stayed in on your last visit on Asgard. You could tell by just looking at the view from the window; the perfect angle from which you could see the rainbow bridge and the sea under it, as well as the beautiful sky above them.

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