Chapter 2: But I am not a superhero

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That night, after yo had gotten back from work, you sat exhausted on your small sofa and immediately opened the small TV you had found thrown away and had fixed it yourself to watch the news. You were quite proud of yourself for how it had eventually turned out. As you had your eyes wide open and fixed in the TV you were praying for you no to had been filmed earlier.

The reporter on the news didn't have many things to say about this morning's incident and you were quite happy about that. If you had been filmed people would start to ask questions you were not ready to answer and besides you didn't want any part of that, you were not a superhero. When the reporter moved on the the next subject you sighed in relief and closed the TV. You were planning on getting up and going to the kitchen to eat something but once more your feet wouldn't follow, your mind was stuck on today's events; what if someone had seen you? What if had been filmed? You wouldn't be able to handle any of this and and that scared you.

And then you though of your mother. She used to be so supportive, she used to tell you that everything was going to be okay with such a reassuring voice that really made you believe in her words. Of course if you had her still with you things would be so much better, you wouldn't be scared of your powers and your dad would be in a better place in life. But yet once more life had other plans for this family and we couldn't do anything else.

You made the wise choice of snapping out of your thoughts the minute your eyes started watering and before you started to cry completely. You quickly got up and moved to the kitchen to make some grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. You rarely had time to cook proper food; going to University, studying all day and then in the evenings taking pictures for the magazine you were working on, left you very little to no time to do other stuff like going out with friends and cooking dinner. You didn't mind though, compared to your life with your constantly drunk father in Boston and the painful memories of you deceased mother this one was ten times better. At least here you were free and it was painless.

You were now once again in your thoughts, zoned out of reality, this time thinking about your father. You started to think of him very hard and wondered how he was doing, you haven't really talked to him since you left home, and maybe it was for the better. Your relationship with your father was, let's say more professional rather than anything else. After your mother's death he went down pretty bad and never really came back up. Raising a super-child by himself didn't help much either but then he found a pretty good solution, he started blaming you, for everything but mostly her death. But it was okay because so did you you just couldn't take the pain away with a drink, you were only ten.

You really couldn't remember a time that your father wasn't drunk or a time he wasn't yelling at you for the smallest of things. He had hardly been a father to you and with your powers still in development you could hear his every thought loud and clear and it did you no good. His job wasn't exactly the easiest after mother's death but he had no right to act like that, you were just a child. So when you finally had the chance to move as far away from him as possible you took it without thinking it twice.

You got so carried away with your thoughts again and this time you managed to burn your dinner. Great. Now you were going to starve. You looked around and thought quickly, thankfully you remembered that you probably had some leftover form yesterday. You opened the fridge and to your relief you had been right. After you had your poor-quality dinner you hoped into the shower and at least enjoyed a hot shower before going to sleep.

You then dried your hair and went to bed, falling asleep almost immediately and with no worries in your head.


The next morning you woke up all calm and relaxed. It was a Saturday, which meant no University and no magazine for the whole weekend. It was these little moments that made you love your life so much. You had already decided to stay in bed a little longer today. You saw it was 9am so you thought you could stay in for just one more hour before starting your day.

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