Chapter 21: Back in New York

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After a few minutes you were again standing on top of the tower, at the exact spot you had left three days ago. You tried very hard to stay on your feet, but the dizziness took over and your knees couldn't hold your body any longer. Thankfully before you could touch the ground Loki was by your side with a quick move holding you tight.

He gently led you to sit on the bench nearby and you nodded as soon as you were sat. You took a few deep breaths, trying not to throw up. Only a second later the whole team started to come out of the elevator and run towards you. They looked deadly worried and as though they hadn't slept for days. Tony was the first one to arrive at your side, followed by Steve and the others.

"Hey, kid." Tony placed his hand on your shoulder and looked at you, trying to get eye contact but you were still facing the ground. "Talk to me kid, are you okay?" He asked.

"How are you feeling y/n?" Steve asked more calm than Tony.

"Like I have been spinning around for an hour straight." You managed to say as you were starting to breath properly again and the sick feeling in your stomach was going away.

You were finally feeling like you could stand up again. You first lifted your head to see everyone looking at you with worried faces. You let out a small laugh and smiled at the way everyone was so worried about you. You then stood up and everyone took a step back to give you a little space. You didn't say anything and they all kept looking at you like you owed them a lot of explanations. You started for a little while longer, only to keep their suspense. As for their thoughts, they got better by the second.

"I'm fine guys!" You finally decided to end their torment. They all seemed do relived to hear this from you.

"So what happened?" Tony asked.

"It's a long and complicated story, believe me. What's important is that I am healthier and stronger than ever."

"Guys I don't think I like the stronger part very much." Bucky said and everyone laughed.

You then all got inside the elevator and headed to the penthouse. Once you were there you all sat around the living room everyone kept asking you questions. You were so happy and excited to see them all again, especially after everything that had gone through your mind so you didn't mind answering a few questions full of concern from them.

"So is it going to happen again?" Clint asked.

"No, Frigga made sure of it. After unlocking that door in my head I have access to all of my magic and it can never be suppressed again."


"So who locked the door?" Tony suddenly spoke up and your face darkened.

"No one important." You said dryly and sighed.

"Is everything alright y/n?" Steve asked.

"Yes...It's actually late and I really need to rest." You said and stood up.

You picked up the books Frigga had given you and looked at everyone. No one said anything and they just nodded. You said your good nights and entered the corridor, heading to your room. You heard some whispers before you left but you ignored them along with some concerned thoughts of Steve, Tony and Nat.

"y/n!" You heard Loki's voice calling you before you could enter your room. The trickster was in front of you in a second, looking into your eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am just tired." You told him, avoiding eye contact.

"You can't trick the trickster you know." He told you with a chuckle.

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