Chapter 19: The day after

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A/N: Sooooo we got 3k reads in this book. It's official you all are crazy, that's like 1k reads in a week! Thank you so much for the reads and the votes and more for the comments you leave in this book. You people are great😍


The next few moments passed in silence. You kept your y/e/c eyes stuck into the Mischief God's deep green eyes with a smile on your face that kept growing bigger by the moment. Loki's hands were now on your waist, holding you tight and yours were tight on the back of his neck. You wanted to say something but you were afraid it would ruin the perfect moment so you just suppressed the urge to do so.

"Finally!" You heard a woman's voice coming from behind. Your turned around to see Sif and Thor coming out from behind a bush. You and Loki both turned around.

"What the hell?" You said with a shocked face.

"Y/n, it's not polite for a lady to curse in Asgard." Sif told you.

"Oh and it is perfectly polite to eavesdrop, Sif?" You laughed.

"I told you brother, didn't I?" Thor suddenly said and came closer to you and Loki.

"Told you?" You turned to Loki with a smile. He was enjoying this too, but not that much.

"I knew you fancied him."

"Fanc- Oh my God, people the words you use are weird!" You laughed.

"Say what you want, I was right."

"And it took you long enough." Sif added.

"Better late than ever." Loki finally spoke up and made you blush and he grabbed your hand. Both Sif and Thor saw that.

"Well as cute as this may be, we need to get back inside, the feast is about to end."

You nodded and Thor and Sif started walking towards the castle again. You started walking behind them but Loki's hand stopped you. You turned around and looked into his eyes with a smile on your face that you still were not able to hide. He soon returned your gaze with a mischievous smile on his lips.

"What?" You laughed

"Nothing." He said and kept staring into your eyes.

Suddenly the memory of that night on the roof of the tower came back to you to slowly erase your smile. Loki immediately caught on that and his smile started fading as well.

Did he still have doubts?

And if he did why would he kiss you?

"Well then we should get inside." You said.

"Are you okay?" He asked you firmly.

"I'm fine." You tried to lie but no one can trick the God of Mischief.

"Y/n." He told you firmly with a serious look on his face. You sighed and sat back on the bench. Loki sat next to you.

"I have just...been thinking about that night on the rooftop..."

"Really?" Loki seemed surprised.

" still in disbelief."

"Disbelief? Why?"

"Don't get me wrong, I do like you I just think, that maybe..." You voice flickered and you kept your eyes stuck on your hands.

"I don't feel the same?" Loki laughed. "Didn't you hear what I said before?"

"I did, but I have also heard a lot." You didn't like talking about the past but this time you couldn't hold back.

"I am sorry." He sighed. "But I am not like that. So let me make this clear, I do feel the same-"

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