Chapter 26: Why are you here?

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When you opened your eyes you were laying on a bed in the infirmary. Once you came back to reality you quickly looked around. You really didn't know if it was relief or terror you felt when you realised Loki was not on one of the beds next to you. You knew he had been shot so he had to be there, or else...

You didn't want to think about it.

You quickly got out of the bed and headed to the elevator. You got in and pressed the button to the penthouse. When the doors opened again you saw the penthouse empty. You slowly got in and wandered around looking for anyone. Suddenly you spotted a woman-like figure gazing out of the window.

"Hello?" You said as you started walking slowly towards the figure. "Nat? Pepper? Is that you?" Sadly there was no movement. "Okay seriously, who is this?"

You tried to use your powers but soon realised it was impossible. The purple mist on your hands would not appear and it felt like your powers had completely vanished. For a second a strong feeling of terror rushed over you but thankfully it was all gone when you saw one of Loki's daggers laying around on the coffee table. You immediately grabbed it and moved with more confidence towards the figure. Once you were only a few feet away from her you stopped and looked intensely at her, holding the dagger tight.

"Who are you?" You shouted.

The figure then slowly turned around and looked at you. You gasped when you saw the face of your mother looking back at you with a worried face. She moved quickly towards you and you instinctively took a few steps back.

"What are you doing here?"


"I said what are you doing here! When did you come back?" Your mother kept staring you with the most confused face.

"Y/n we need to talk."

"Where is everyone?"

You kept looking around, trying to figure out what was going on. Even though everything seemed normal something seriously felt wrong.

"We need to talk." Your mother finally told you.

"About what? I don't get it, why are you here? I think I was pretty clear about our relationship last time we talked."

"Y/n, listen to me. We need to talk about what happened."

"What are you talking about mom? Nothing happed."

"Come here." She softly grabbed your hand and led you to the couch.

You both sat down and you mother kept looking at you with a weird face. Science you had met her again in Asgard your mother had been quite weird but this time there was something different. You couldn't quite tell if it was what she said or what she was doing but there was definitely something off with her.

"So, what do you want? Or did you just come all the way from Asgard to stare at me?"

"Why are you here?" She suddenly asked you.

"What? I live here, remember? The question is what are you doing here?" Your patience had started to ran out and you didn't know how long you would be able to control your temper anymore.

"You were always like that. From a young age you could not control your temper very easily." You mother kept talking with a calm voice like everything was normal.

"Ok, what?"

"Sweetheart we need to talk about what happened."

"Ok, I'll pretend I understand what you're talking about. So... Let's talk about it."

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