Chapter 6: Your first mission

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The next morning you woke up early and ready to start your training. You quickly woke yourself up, got into some leggings and a sweatshirt and made your hair into a messy bun. Then you immediately rushed into the kitchen where, to your surprise, everyone was, even Loki.

"Good morning." You smiled at everyone.

"Hey y/n isn't it a little early for you?" Steve said and you looked at the clock. It was indeed 8.45am, you didn't usually wake up at least before 9.30.

"Leave her Steve she is excited for her mission." Nat smiled at you and you moved towards to the sit next to her. "You know that you will have to dress better for this right?" She continued.

"What is it with you and my clothes?"

"I am just saying you will have to wear heels for that." You immediately stopped and looked at Tony with your eyes wide open.

"That was not in the file."

"That was obvious!" Tony laughed at you.

You shook you head in disappointment and sat next to Nat letting out a big sigh.

"How will I even be able to fight with hells?"

"Asgardian women fight with heels all the time." Thor said and you looked at him with a deadly look.

"Ok relax, kid, you are not going to fight anyone." Tony stopped you from throwing your knife at him.

"But if there's a need to do so?"

"If you need so you can use them as weapons, they can be quite deadly." Nat told you and you all laughed, except Loki of course whose face was again cold and expressionless.

After you were all done and the kitchen was back to its clean state everyone started heading back to their daily tasks. Nat and Bucky headed to the training room first as you went to your room to grab some gear and a bottle of water. When you got out again you saw Loki standing outside his room ready to get in. You looked at him for a second and he returned your gaze.

"Hey." You finally said.

"Hi." He said back. With an awkward smile, you started walking out of the corridor when Loki suddenly stopped you.

"The wound on your palm is still pretty fresh." You turned and looked at him trying to hide you smirk.

"Yeah I know." You turned around and walked fast towards the elevator. What exactly was that? Was Loki showing emotions? No that was not possible, but then again maybe he had started to like you. You had actually started to like him too, he was a really nice guy, no matter what the others said.

Only a few seconds later the elevator doors opened snapping you out of your thoughts and your training had officially started. It was hard at first, as fun as Bucky was in real life in the battle field he was like a different person. Both him and Nat were convinced to get your fighting skills as high as possible until the end of the week, which concerned you a little. One the other hand Tony and Bruce were a little bit less hard on you. They knew you already knew how to use of powers perfectly, or not according to Loki but they didn't know that and you were trying to forget it as well.

The rest of your days were only training and numerous tests form Tony, who was clearly getting more worried about you every day and you didn't need to hear his thoughts to know. With all these you barely had time to eat and sleep but you knew that eventually it would be worth it, when you finally got to your first mission. Of course you didn't have time to talk to Loki either, you really had to though, you had to know more about your powers, maybe you could even persuade Tony and the others to let him train you, he seemed to know a lot more than any of you combined. But of course first Loki had to agree to train you (although you had a feeling he would) and then say it to Tony but this week had no room for such drama, so you let it aside for a while.

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