Chapter 23: An unpleasant assignment

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About a month had passed since you had come home from Asgard and things were pretty much the same; you kept your trainings going with both Nat and Loki, plus Asgardian lessons with Loki which pretty much took up all the rest of your free time, not that you minded. As for everyone else on the team, they still had no idea of you and Loki, even though you had some misgivings about that.

New York had also been very quiet the last month, there had been no serious threats and your mission were completely lame. S.H.I.E.L.D wanted to make you their personal living lie detector but thankfully Tony cut them shortly. You still did one or two missions for them, but only when it was an extreme necessity.

Thanks to Loki and Frigga's books your powers were now stronger than ever. You could now get into people's minds and control them so much easier, and you had a tone of new abilities; you were now able to create very convincing illustration that confused everyone and also you could use your magic to levitate some feet above the ground. Not soon after you unlocked this ability Loki insisted you would stop calling it flying, according to him it sounded like you were like a weird superhero from TV. In addition to everything, you could create purple balls of energy and hit enemies with them. That was definitely the best one of your new abilities.

Loki was really a great teacher and the time you spent together was really fun. During the last month, the two of you had come so much closer. Your relationship might still have to be kept a secret, but it was quite strong. You and Loki had a weird connection that none of you could yet explain, but it was definitely great. Nat kept telling you that it was just the 'honeymoon period' and that it was going to go away but you knew it wasn't just that. As for Thor he was probably way more excited about this relationship than he should have been and both you and Loki quite enjoyed that.

For the past week you were actually sneaking into Loki's room when everyone was asleep. You would stay up all night, talking about all things one can think of and even more. By now you knew each other better than anyone, which was quite odd, given that you only knew each other for about half a year. Though even with this kind of connection Loki still wouldn't let you into his mind. The fact that he still had things to hide from you made you a little worried but also you trusted him, somehow you knew he wouldn't hurt you.

Today you woke up, again, in Loki's bed, curled over at him with your head on his chest. He was obviously awake, you were used to that by now, you knew Asgardians needed way less sleep than humans. It was a little weird that he stayed up for hours just watching you sleep but you still liked it. You lifted your head and looked at him with a smile.

"Good morning." You said with a sleepy voice.

"Good morning, darling." He said as your smile got bigger.

You liked it so much when he called you that.

"Did you sleep well?" Loki asked you with a sweet voice.

"Great." You said and let your head fall back on Loki's chest.

The beating of his heart was so relaxing to you and had been your favourite sound for the past week. When you were with him you felt loved and protected. It was that weird connection again.

"What are you thinking about?" You said when a couple of minutes of silence passed.

"You." Loki said and you chuckled. "No, honestly I am thinking about you."

"But I am right here."

"No matter."

"Loki..." You started but a sudden knock on the door cut you.

You and Loki quickly got up and you cast an illusion so whoever was knocking on the door wouldn't see you. Loki then answered the door and Steve walked in.

That was odd.

What was Steve doing in Loki's room?

"Loki, Tony needs you in his lab right away." Steve said firmly.

"May I ask why?" Loki said.

"No." Steve turned around and left the room immediately.

Once Steve closed the door behind him you quickly took down the illusion and looked at Loki. He looked as puzzled as you if not more.

"That was..." Loki started but seemed unable to finish the sentence.

"Odd." You helped him.

"I am not going." Loki declared and sat back on the bed.

"You have to."

"Why? Stark probably wants to humiliate me with one of his unfunny jokes again."

"Or its something urgent. Come on Loki." You looked at him with an intense looked until he finally sighed.

"I hate it when you do that." He said and stood up.

You just laughed and shook your head as Loki left the room. After a minute you put up the illusion again and silently got out of Loki's room. He had already got out of sight and thankfully no one else was in the hallway so you were able to slip into your own room without anyone noticing. When you got in you immediately got to the bathroom and hopped in for a quick shower before getting ready.

Once you were done you used a spell from Frigga's book to dry and fix your hair. She was so right about these books and especially the one with the practical everyday spells, it latterly had a spell for everything in there; different spells for your hair and clothes, spells for cleaning your room and even more. Of course, you were still in the early stages of your practice and as easy as they sounded some of these were quite complicated. For the moment all you could do was dry and do your hair and, if you tried hard enough, change your clothes.

So, when you were done with your hair, which didn't take more than three seconds, you chose your outfit for the day. It was a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt, but you knew Nat, more than anyone, would be quite pleased. The truth is that you had started to look less casual (for your standards) inside the house. You quite avoided oversized shirts and sweatpants for all the time and you now preferred jeans, T-shirts and sometimes even dresses. Maybe this was because you now had a boyfriend, or because you just looked everyday at all the clothes Nat and Pepper had picked for you a while ago and you never wore. Or maybe just because you were tired of their kinda disappointed looks every time you entered the room in sweatpants. Whatever the reason for your sudden change was you didn't care, you had overall started to change, even if it took you a while you were finally adapting to your new life and you quite liked it.

When you were finally ready you took your phone and got out of your room, heading to where everyone was. Not a moment after you opened your room door you came across Clint, who looked quite irritated. He looked at you with a puzzled look on his face and started at for a few seconds.

"Is... everything okay?" You finally asked him.

"Where the hell have you been?" Clint shouted.

"In my room. What happened to you?"

"Steve came in and looked for you, he said you weren't in. We have all been looking for you."

" haven't been looking very hard." You tried to find an excuse but failed dramatically.

"Whatever, come." Clint started walking out of the corridor.

You followed him to the elevator and into Tony's lab where everyone was. You got some weird looks from Steve and Tony and a worried one from Loki. You decided to ignore all of them and just pay attention to Tony who started speaking immediately.

"So, team, we have a mission, a serious one." Suddenly a hologram map appeared in front of you and several information about the mission came up on the screen.

You took a quick glimpse of Loki who immediately returned your confused look. No one else seemed really interested in what Tony had to say; Nat was on her phone while also talking to Bucky and Clint, Bruce was doing some science stuff a few feet away ignoring everyone and it was obvious that Loki had no interest in what Tony had to say either. The only ones paying attention by now were Thor, you and Steve but just barely. Tony had obviously caught on to that and so cut his description shortly.

"Y/n it's your mission." He finally sighed and sat back on his chair.

Suddenly all the whispers in the room stopped and everyone looked at you. Your heart was now beating so fast, and your mind was running with hundreds of kilometres per second.

"What?" You finally managed to say.

"Well, your and Loki's." Tony added.

"Explain Stark." Loki demanded.

"Finally." Tony sighed and stood up again. "This is Leo Marcus." He said as a guy appeared on the screen. "He is a rich French guy and let's just say he hasn't been very nice these past few days."

"And you need us because...?" Loki said and Tony obviously ignored him."

"So, y/n how good are your mind games by now?" Tony turned to you.

"Still in develop but pretty good. Tony what is going on?"

"It's time to show us what Reindeer Games has taught you."

"I don't follow."

"Ok kid look, this guy, well we have reasons to believe he has some of my...old stuff in his possession."

"I thought you shut down the weapons industry years ago."

"I did! I did. It's just that...some people still aren't over it."

"Tony..." You tried to protest but he cut you as he came closer. "What do I have to do?" You sighed.

"That's the easy part, he is hosting a party tonight and you are going. With Reindeer Games of course."

"Why don't you come too?"

"Well, I think they would suspect something if the whole Avengers team casually showed up to a criminal's party."

He did have a point, but still, something didn't add up. How could you help with that?

"I still don't understand what I have to do."

"Well, the guy is pretty much a close shell, but we know one thing he loves most." Tony made a long pause which, escorted by his worried look, made you even more nervous.

"And that is?"

"Women." He finally said and your eyes opened widely.

With this everyone started talking loudly, objecting to Tony. He couldn't be serious, he really couldn't. You had indeed told him, countless times, that you were not a little kid, but this was a whole other level.

You had no intentions of becoming a whore for a mission.

You suddenly looked over at Loki who was as shocked as you. You didn't want to draw attention by going to him but you needed to talk with him so bad. At this moment you really wished he would open his mind to you. You then sighed and after a second you turned back to Tony, he was looking at you with a worried and anxious face, waiting for you to say something.

"Look, kid, I understand what I'm asking for is a lot but- "

"I understand." You looked around the room one more time and then back to Tony. "I'll do it."

"Y/n are you sure?" Steve objected but you just nodded with a smile.

"Thanks kid. This is the mission file, you have an hour to take a look at it. You don't need to know much. Basically, all you need to do is get him drunk enough then take him in a room and make him say everything we need to know."

"Are we seriously doing all these for a confession?" You asked and Tony nodded sadly. "And Loki?"

"I heard he is good with illusions." You looked over at Loki who was giving an angry look at Thor. "All he has to do is change his face and keep you safe. Easy huh?"

Easy sure. If you ignored the fact that you only had an hour to learn your mission and about two to fully get ready for it and convince Loki to be nice.


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