Chapter 18: A magical night

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A/N: Two chapters in two days?! I know right! I have been writing A LOT these past few days and the love you show to my book has also been incredible. I will try and post more often, like two times a week, depending on how much I write. I hope you like the chapter.


Loki’s POV

Loki had to stand opposite from you all night long while Fandral was obviously and intensely flirting with you. All he could think about, during the entire time was how much he wanted to kick this man’s face. Frigga was of course the first one to understand what was going on with her son and tried to calm him down but it was impossible.

When the dancing started and she left along with Odin to start the dance, Loki was left alone in the corner of the room. Dancing wasn’t really his thing but for you he would do it gladly. He wanted to come and ask you on a dance so much but he was scared. You hadn’t really talked about what had happened in the roof of the tower just a few days ago. You were about to kiss for the first time but suddenly you stopped and left him there alone while you returned to the party.

Since then things had basically been like this night had never happened and he was quite scared to talk to you about it, in fear he might loose you for good. His thoughts completely consumed the God of Mischief and he kept staring at you while Fandral was offering you his hand to dance. You looked at him for a second and then took it and turned your back. He wanted to come and get you away from him so much but he knew he couldn’t. He watched you dance and have fun with Fandral for a few moments, which to him seemed like a long century until Thor approached him and placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“You have to talk to her, brother.” Thor said calmly.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Your brother is right.” Frigga appeared on the other side of her son. “She fancies you, you know.”

“You don’t know what you are talking about. Both of you.” Loki denied.

“Are you doubting me?” Frigga asked.

“I am just saying...there is no way she feels the same.”

“Don’t be so sure brother.” Thor gave him a smirk and looked back at you.

Y/n’s POV

You were dancing and joking around with Fandral. It didn’t take you long to realise that he was indeed a good man and a really pleasant company. As for the flirting it was now more of a game between the two of you rather than actual flirting.

Fandral and you had danced to almost every song, energetic or even slow. He actually proved to be a very good dancer and you had a lot of fun with him. But, no matter how much fun you had the only thing you could think of at every moment was Loki. You wanted him to be the one dancing with you so badly, only a day ago you had almost died and right before that you were thinking about all those things you so much wanted to say to him, but never had the chance to do so. You had told yourself that you would tell him everything as soon as you woke up. You had no idea what happened next, you did want to talk to him but all of those things happened in just a few hours; you just found your mum and learnt you were an Asgardian witch and then only a few hours later you were here dancing with a man while thinking about another.

What the hell were you doing?

“You okay love?” Fandral asked you. His face told you that he had been trying to get your attention for a while now.

You looked at him with a lost look on your face. You looked around and quickly snapped back into reality. As it seemed you had been standing there, still, thinking about all of those things and looking at the hollow. You saw Thor, Loki and Frigga on the corner of the room looking at you in confusion. You took a few steps back and turned around as Fandral was talking to you but his voice was was far away by now and you were no more able to hear it. You started getting dizzy and even hearing some voices inside your head and before you collapsed in the middle of the dance floor someone gently put their hand on your shoulder. You quickly turned around to see Sif looking at you in concern.

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