Pieces (Yuji & Maggie)

Start from the beginning

Yuji locked eyes with Maggie but didn't say a word. A waiter came to take their orders and when they got their food they chatted about what they wanted to do for their anniversary. Yuji stood at the counter to pay and Maggie decided to wait for him outside to take in the beautiful flowers outside the shop they had seen from the window. As Maggie pushed off the cafe's door, the tight lipped waitress seized her by the arm and scoffed.
"You can't leave without paying, lady..."

Maggie turned to face the woman and looked down at where the woman was clutching her arm rather tightly. Maggie jacked her arm away and gestured toward her husband with one hand while the other hand was on her hip.
"My husband is paying for both of our meals. Keep your hands to yourself. I want to speak to your manager."

The woman looked at Yuji and back at Maggie with a look of annoyance.
"Do not lie."

Maggie placed both her hands on her hips and looked the woman straight in the eyes.
"I asked for you manager, lady."

People around the cafe looked up from their conversations to watch. Yuji was putting his wallet back in his pocket and was waking back to Maggie when the rude woman got in Maggie's face with her hands on her own hips.
"I'm the manager. I want you to leave."

Yuji joined his wife's side quickly with confusion on his face.
"Maggie, what's the problem?"

Maggie mugged the woman and stepped back, putting space between herself and the woman.
"Apparently I didn't pay for my food."

Yuji turned to the woman.
"Our meals have already been paid for."

The woman went back to the counter where Yuji had paid and asked if all the items had been paid for. The cashier nodded with a confused look of his own.

The woman closed her mouth quickly but not before Maggie got in his face.
"Like I said, my husband paid. I'm leaving you a one star review and we won't be back. Racial profiling bitch.."

The woman held her hand up in Maggie's face and Yuji pulled out this phone to snap a picture before he pulled Maggie behind him, stepping up to the woman.
"The level of disrespect shown to my wife and myself is disgusting. I want the numbers of your higher ups. Now."

The woman gawked and said that she was calling the police. Yuji placed his hands in his pockets and sat down at an empty table. The woman spoke loudly on her phone and smirked when she was done. She had expected the couple to leave but they didn't budge.
"The police are coming."

Yuji gave her a duh look.
"I know. The whole damn cafe knows with how loudly you were speaking. We will wait for them."

They didn't have to wait for too long before three officers arrived. The woman pointed excitedly in the direction of Yuji and Maggie but what she didn't know was that she would be in tears after the couple left.

Yuji stood from his seat quickly and waited for Maggie to join him. When she stood to her feet, he wrapped an arm around her waist and approached the police without fear. The officers did a double take when they Yuji removed his jacket their eyes widened when they got a good look at his face. Nobody said a word until Yuji spoke, filling the officers in on the situation. The woman tried to cut him off but an officer shooed the woman off. The officers asked Yuji what he wanted to be done about the situation and Yuji pointed at the woman.
"I want the place shut down and I don't want her to ever hold a management title again... I'm putting this building on the market. She has two weeks to clear out the building. My wife and I are leaving.."

The officers turned to the woman informing her that the cafe was to be evicted and cleared in exactly two weeks. The woman cried out in disbelief and tried to attack the couple as they left but two officers restrained her. Yuji steered Maggie out of the building and she sighed when she got into the car.
"Yuji.. That was too harsh.."

Yuji whipped his head around quickly.
"Not harsh enough.. She physically attacked you. She's lucky I gave her two weeks..."

Maggie shook her head.
"The lady lost her job. You didn't have to take the whole building away..."
she mumbled.

Yuji put the car in reverse and chuckled.
"I don't give a fuck about that woman or that building."

Maggie started to protest again until Yuji gave her a look.
"It's over and done with Maggie.. I'm not incompetent. It needed to be done. She treated you like a doormat.. shit on her shoes..."
Yuji started to speed in the car.

Maggie piped up again and fortunately they were stopped at a red light because Yuji turned to her with wide, unflinching eyes so intense, she stopped mid sentence.
"I won't allow you to be talked down to especially in my fucking face. You defend this lady when she is unworthy of even touching you... You say another thing to try and polish up that piece of shit and I'm going to lose my temper... Enough."

Yuji continued to stare until the light turned green. He stared straight ahead and didn't say anything else for the rest of the drive. Maggie just watched the road but she could feel Yuji's eyes on her. It was a truly tense drive back to their home. Yuji exited the car first and came around to get the passenger door for Maggie. She stepped out slowly and had one last thing to say..

"You were wrong and you know it. You went too far." She muttered.

Yuji sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand and clutched his car keys in the other.
He took a few more deep breaths and then Maggie knew she was in for it..
Because Yuji started to laugh.

Maggie watched him and started to get nervous. When Yuji was done laughing, he wiped his eyes and approached Maggie slowly. He was standing in front of her and when she tried to turn her eyes to the floor, he cupped her chin and tilted her head up.
"You just don't know when to quit... But that's fine. When we get inside.. I want you to strip down to everything but your heels. And do it quickly.. I don't want to hear another fucking word from you. Face down.. ass up..."
he said carefully.

Maggie's eyebrows were crinkled in worry.
She was stuck.

Yuji placed his hand around her throat.
"Do you understand?"

Maggie nodded quickly and Yuji gave her throat a squeeze.
"Now do what the fuck I told you.. You don't want to play with me..."

And this was why Maggie was presently making quick work of her clothes. Yuji left Maggie in their bedroom to retrieve the tripod from the lower level of the house. He did some light stretching before trekking back to their room with the tripod. This would be quite the lesson and quite the workout for the both of them.


Hey. There's going to be a Pt. 2 if anyone is interested. So yay or nay? I need to know.

Well that's enough writing for today.

I hope life is goood for all you lovely readers.

As always,
Thank you for reading, voting and commenting.
The one shot comments are always making me laugh.

_Maddie ❤️

Sake and Sweat: Yakuza Boy One Shots, Fluff and Scenarios (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now